Topic: mdbFixedCaption - cpation is missing in 8.3.1
asked 5 years ago
Expected behavior
Caption should be visible next to the fixed button
Actual behavior
Caption is not visible
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
In ver 8.3.1 the caption is not visible because it is outside its parent view.
In prev version, mdbFixedCaption directive added "style=overflow:visible" to its component but now it is removed, eliminating all the captions from all my menus.
Adding the style manually to the tag restores the missing caption.
PLEASE restore it ASAP and avoid breaking changes, documented on not !
answered 5 years ago
After replacing buttonEl.nativeElement
with button
, style="overflow:visible"
is no longer needed.
Can't explain, moving forward
answered 5 years ago
There is nothing special.
I accidentally detected that the captions are missing. After investigating I realized that the style is missing so I added it manually
<ng-container *ngIf="bShowUndo">
<a mdbBtn floating="true" color="red" mdbFixedCaption="Undo" style="overflow:visible" [collapseButton]="buttonEl.nativeElement" class="waves-light" (click)="menuClicked('undo')" mdbWavesEffect>
<i class="fa fa-undo"></i>
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
That's strange because I'm testing that on 8.3.1 and those styles are applied correctly to the a
elements. Could you try to reinstall your dependencies (remove node_modules and package-lock.json and run npm install again)?
By the way - you should no longer need this workaround with buttonEl.nativeElement
because we fixed that. If you have template variable #button
on your toggle button, you can just pass button
to the [collapseButton]
input and it should work correctly.
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- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 8.3.1
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Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
There were no changes related to this component in last update. I just checked it and it looks like every element with
haveoverflow: visible
style just like in previous versions. Could you provide some code on which we will be able to reproduce that?