Topic: Update/Documentation issue
asked 6 years ago
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 6 years ago
Dawid Adach
answered 6 years ago
- Download the newest package admin
- Copy src/lib from new package to your app
- Remove src/app/typescripts from your app
- Remove scss directory from your root
- Copy ng-uikit-pro-standard-6.2.1.tgz and paste it into root directory
- Adjust path in angular.json , app.module and modules using mdb
- run npm install ng-uikit-pro-standard-6.2.1.tgz
akademe pro commented 6 years ago
Thanks for quick reply and understanding our situation. We have a few questions on the scss, for eg btn-default class was used in the previous version, now its mdbbutton variable on html tag, now we have to end up adding our customized scss for new variable or class you use, also folder structure was entirely changed, now its moved to node modules which were not there before, it will be helpful if you provide documentation of the previous version 6.1.2, document on this live site always gets changed frequently, documentation is very essential for using a framework or theme. We are on MDB Pro, hence can you please support us remotely on updating to the latest version. Is yes, then how and when? Regards, Nirmala GambhirDamian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
Dear akademe, Let me answer your questions instead of my friend, Dawid. About mdbBtn directive - These changes are backward compatible. This means that you can both use the new syntax mdbBtn color="primary" and the old one class="btn btn-primary". If you want to overwrite our variables, you cannot do so in the node_modules/ng-uikit-pro-standard directory, because these changes will be overwritten every time you update your product. Ideally, you should overwrite our variables in a worksheet that will not be overwritten when you update dependencies in the project - e.g. the global styles.scss worksheet. For example, if you want to overwrite the btn-primary variable in order to store a different color than the default one, you should be able to use it as a value for the mdbBtn color=" attribute. About missing documentation for previous versions - next week we will probably provide legacy documentation for versions 6.0.0 and 6.1.0, which should help you work with an older version of MDB Angular. Unfortunately, we do not provide remote support services over the phone or remotely. However, we are always happy to help you as much as we can here in our forum. As far as the migration process is concerned, it is best to download the latest version of MDB Angular Admin Pro and do a mini test of how the new syntax and changes are used. If you don't notice anything disturbing during the tests, you will be able to start the migration process from version 6.1.2 to version 6.2.1. Also the legacy docs should help you with the migration process. Best Regards, Damianakademe pro commented 6 years ago
Many thanks, Damian for your reply and the information you provided is helpful. I will wait for the legacy documentation and I will try to update MDB. If I face any issue, then I will get in touch with you again. Kind Regards, Nirmala GambhirFREE CONSULTATION
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