Topic: Calendar issue in week view
O1ivier priority asked 2 years ago
I have an issue with the "week" view in the calendar component.
The events are displaying in a wrong way. They are duplicating sometimes. You can see it clearly in the following snippet :
Would you please help me if I'm doing something wrong ?
Thanks a lot !
O1ivier priority answered 2 years ago
Have you got any news on this point ?
Thank you
Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 2 years ago
Unfortunately not at the moment. We are working on it.
Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 2 years ago
It looks like if the event duration is too short it will not be displayed. We will fix it as soon as possible
Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 2 years ago
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the problem with duplicate events. What should I do to reproduce this?
O1ivier priority commented 2 years ago
Can't you see the issue my snippet ? The event called "RDV3" is duplicating. Other events are not showing properly. All these issues only in week view. The events are planned last week in my snippet.
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