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Topic: Drag and Drop Sortable List Delete Item

solzbacher priority asked 3 years ago

I am using a sortable drag and drop list with divs as sortable items. When deleting the sortable-item div using JS element.remove(), it appears again as an empty div once I drag another item. Is there a way to delete an item from the sortable list, similarly to how items can be added? I have seen there is a public dispose() function in the Sortable class, however I struggle to understand how to apply this, if it is even possible.

Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago

Hello, unfortunately there is no method to remove an item from the Sortable list. But I will add this Idea to our list.

BaseCloud priority commented 2 years ago

Hello? How is there still no solution to this? Very basic functionality. Not happy with my subscription. So many limitations.

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 2 years ago

We will add removeItem method as soon as possible.

BaseCloud priority commented 2 years ago

Has this been added? Reported more than 6 months ago already.

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  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 3.10.1
  • Device: Computer
  • Browser: Firefox
  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Provided sample code: Yes
  • Provided link: No