Topic: DropDown on RTL not functioning correctly
asked 1 year ago
Expected behavior dropDown to show menu under the button.
using RTL, even if i use mdb.rtl.min.css is still the same behaviour.. in my enviroment it show the drop menu first time under the button , second time and on shown in the end of the line. attached snippet
Actual behavior
dropdrown shown in the end of the line
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
answered 1 year ago
unfortunatly something odd here.. when i change y snippet accordingly and hit save it works, but when I reload the page its not working..
even I changed it to ul in my enviroment and still get the same result.. drop-down menu moves to the end of the line.
in your snippt here is what i get in first click:
in the second click:
I modified my snippet to simulate my full enviroment ( )
i get the same results as above, first click:
second click:
AGAIN keep in mind that the snippets aren't fully shown my enviroment beacsue i use min.rtl.css so to really simulate you need to launch rtl.min.css stylesheet and not the default (LTR) one that the snippents has
Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 1 year ago
Please wrap button and dropdawn menu in <div class="dropdown d-inline-block"></div>
It won't work in the snippet because snippets do not support RTL but locally it will be ok.
sody priority commented 1 year ago
hi kamila, this fix in my enviroment positions the dropdown correctly but its invisible under the "", any idea how to bring it to front ?
iny my snippet there are other problem the dropdown starts from to pthe button down and not bottom down for some reason.
Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 1 year ago
What do you mean by but its invisible under the ""
sody priority commented 1 year ago
I wrote < tr > it cutted OFF :)
sody priority commented 1 year ago
You can see it in the snippet too
Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 1 year ago
It's because you've set in your navigation bar overflow value hidden
in jgrid.
Kamila Pieńkowska
answered 1 year ago
needs to have ul
tag. You've changed it to div.
Here is adjusted snippet:
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