Topic: MDB5 (Angular) Roadmap Timeline (WYSIWYG)
Dave Moniz
asked 3 years ago
What is the current expected timeline for the WYSIWYG for MDB5 for Angular?
I'm currently finishing up an app and I would love to have MDB be my only real dependency and not have to go back to CKEditor.
Dave Moniz
answered 3 years ago
Grzegorz Bujański
answered 3 years ago
At the moment we are working on a few more components that will be available in the stable version of MDB5 Angular. Only then will it start creating plugins. Once we're done with them, we'll start coding the plugins.
Dave Moniz priority commented 3 years ago
Thanks. It's unfortunate, but I understand.
Dave Moniz priority commented 3 years ago
Is there any way that this could be the first plugin you work on? Or any way to have an estimate of when you hope to start working on plugins?
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 years ago
@Dave Moniz We have recently added plugins list to our roadmap:
Unfortunately, we are not able to change the plans for the plugins release order, but the WYSIWYG will be one of the first to be added to the library.
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