Topic: MDBDropdownLink not found
asked 2 years ago
Hello here, I have an issue about MDBDropdownLink not found in "mdb-react-ui-kit". I tried many times to remove node_modules and clean Yarn.lock. But still having this issue.
I need it to use the plugin calendar.
I'm using React 5 And the Account as Pro memberYarn 1.22.19
Best regards.
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
Attempted import error: 'MDBDropdownLink' is not exported from 'mdb-react-ui-kit' (imported as 'N').
ERROR in ./node_modules/calendar/dist/mdb-react-calendar.esm.js 405:23-24 export 'MDBDropdownLink' (imported as 'N') was not found in 'mdb-react-ui-kit' (possible exports: MDBAccordion, MDBAccordionItem, MDBAlert, MDBAnimatedNavbar, MDBAnimation, MDBAutocomplete, MDBBadge, MDBBreadcrumb, MDBBreadcrumbItem, MDBBtn, MDBBtnGroup, MDBCard, MDBCardBody, MDBCardFooter, MDBCardGroup, MDBCardHeader, MDBCardImage, MDBCardLink, MDBCardOverlay, MDBCardSubTitle, MDBCardText, MDBCardTitle, MDBCarousel, MDBCarouselItem, MDBChart, MDBCheckbox, MDBChip, MDBChipsInput, MDBCol, MDBCollapse, MDBContainer, MDBDatatable, MDBDateTimepicker, MDBDatepicker, MDBDropdown, MDBDropdownItem, MDBDropdownMenu, MDBDropdownToggle, MDBFile, MDBFooter, MDBIcon, MDBInfiniteScroll, MDBInput, MDBInputGroup, MDBLazyContainer, MDBLazyLoading, MDBLightbox, MDBLightboxItem, MDBListGroup, MDBListGroupItem, MDBLoadingManagement, MDBModal, MDBModalBody, MDBModalContent, MDBModalDialog, MDBModalFooter, MDBModalHeader, MDBModalTitle, MDBMultiRange, MDBNavbar, MDBNavbarBrand, MDBNavbarItem, MDBNavbarLink, MDBNavbarNav, MDBNavbarToggler, MDBPagination, MDBPaginationItem, MDBPaginationLink, MDBPopconfirm, MDBPopconfirmMessage, MDBPopover, MDBPopoverBody, MDBPopoverHeader, MDBProgress, MDBProgressBar, MDBRadio, MDBRange, MDBRating, MDBRatingElement, MDBRipple, MDBRow, MDBScrollbar, MDBScrollspy, MDBScrollspyLink, MDBScrollspySubList, MDBSelect, MDBSelectDeprecated, MDBSideNav, MDBSideNavCollapse, MDBSideNavItem, MDBSideNavLink, MDBSideNavMenu, MDBSmoothScroll, MDBSpinner, MDBStepper, MDBStepperForm, MDBStepperStep, MDBSticky, MDBSwitch, MDBTable, MDBTableBody, MDBTableHead, MDBTabs, MDBTabsContent, MDBTabsItem, MDBTabsLink, MDBTabsPane, MDBTextArea, MDBTimepicker, MDBToast, MDBTooltip, MDBTouch, MDBTypography, MDBValidation, MDBValidationItem, useAnimatedRef, useClipboard, useStickyRef)
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
And in deed, when i look inside node_modules. The Component doesn't not exist.
Yohana Habsari
answered 1 year ago
please help, how to solve this issue?
Grzegorz Bujański free commented 1 year ago
Which MDB React version are you using?
Yohana Habsari priority commented 1 year ago
Grzegorz Bujański free commented 1 year ago
I checked it and everything seems to be working fine. How can we reproduce this issue? Please give us more information. How do you add the MDB to your project, do you use typescript? What error are you getting?
Yohana Habsari priority commented 1 year ago
i edit in package.json
"dependencies": { "bootstrap": "^5.1.3", "chart.js": "^3.8.0", "http-proxy-middleware": "^0.19.1", "jquery": "^3.6.0", "mdb-react-ui-kit": "./mdb-react-ui-kit-6.0.0.tgz", "mdb-react-wysiwyg": "./plugins/wysiwyg-editor.tgz" }
errors on the wysiwyg plugin
Grzegorz Bujański free commented 1 year ago
I just created a clean app and added MDB React UI KIT and WYSIWYG Editor and I am not able to reproduce this error. Needs more details. How do you import JS files in your project. What code causes this error
snh5499 priority commented 1 year ago
The issue is that there is no component called "MDBDropdownLink" in either the free or pro versions. It's not identified in the index-pro.d.ts or in index-free.d.ts for typescript or probably the same for javascript. I replaced all references to use "MDBSideNavLink" as a work around as it seems like this provides similar functionality. Poor documentation and packaging manager to make refences to a component that probably exists (maybe at one time in a previous release) but did not make it into the current package TAR
answered 1 year ago
Having the same issue using MDB5 pro package.
export 'MDBDropdownLink' (imported as 'MDBDropdownLink') was not found in 'mdb-react-ui-kit'
Has this been fixed??
Installed using oauth from mdb with my token
snh5499 priority commented 1 year ago
The issue is that there is no component called "MDBDropdownLink" in either the free or pro versions. It's not identified in the index-pro.d.ts or in index-free.d.ts for typescript or probably the same for javascript. I replaced all references to use "MDBSideNavLink" as a work around as it seems like this provides similar functionality. Poor documentation and packaging manager to make refences to a component that probably exists (maybe at one time in a previous release) but did not make it into the current package TAR
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- ForumUser: Priority
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB React
- MDB Version: MDB5 4.2.0
- Device: Visual Studio Code
- Browser: chrome
- OS: windows
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: Yes
Stanisław Jakubowski staff commented 2 years ago
Unfortunately Calendar plugin doesn't work properly in current version of MDB React. Try installing previous (4.1.0) version by typing npm install mdb-react-ui-kit@4.1.0. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Keep coding!
fconsigny priority commented 2 years ago
Hello, if i do that, i can't use my SideNavBar anymore
Compiled with problems:X
ERROR in ./src/pages/softrend-customer/components/customer-home-sidenavbar/customer-home-sidenavbar.jsx 22:37-47
export 'MDBSideNav' (imported as 'MDBSideNav') was not found in 'mdb-react-ui-kit' (possible exports: MDBAccordion, MDBAccordionItem, MDBBadge, MDBBreadcrumb, MDBBreadcrumbItem, MDBBtn, MDBBtnGroup, MDBCard, MDBCardBody, MDBCardFooter, MDBCardGroup, MDBCardHeader, MDBCardImage, MDBCardLink, MDBCardOverlay, MDBCardSubTitle, MDBCardText, MDBCardTitle, MDBCarousel, MDBCarouselCaption, MDBCarouselElement, MDBCarouselInner, MDBCarouselItem, MDBCheckbox, MDBCol, MDBCollapse, MDBContainer, MDBDropdown, MDBDropdownDivider, MDBDropdownHeader, MDBDropdownItem, MDBDropdownLink, MDBDropdownMenu, MDBDropdownToggle, MDBFile, MDBFooter, MDBIcon, MDBInput, MDBInputGroup, MDBListGroup, MDBListGroupItem, MDBModal, MDBModalBody, MDBModalContent, MDBModalDialog, MDBModalFooter, MDBModalHeader, MDBModalTitle, MDBNavbar, MDBNavbarBrand, MDBNavbarItem, MDBNavbarLink, MDBNavbarNav, MDBNavbarToggler, MDBPagination, MDBPaginationItem, MDBPaginationLink, MDBPopover, MDBPopoverBody, MDBPopoverHeader, MDBProgress, MDBProgressBar, MDBRadio, MDBRange, MDBRipple, MDBRow, MDBScrollspy, MDBScrollspyLink, MDBScrollspySubList, MDBSpinner, MDBSwitch, MDBTable, MDBTableBody, MDBTableHead, MDBTabs, MDBTabsContent, MDBTabsItem, MDBTabsLink, MDBTabsPane, MDBTextArea, MDBTooltip, MDBTypography, MDBValidation, MDBValidationItem)
Best regards
Stanisław Jakubowski staff commented 2 years ago
MDBSideNav is a pro component. Are you sure you are using our pro version?
waiiki free commented 2 years ago
Also am a user of the pro package, and MDBDropdownLink is the only one that isn't found
Lori Becker free commented 2 years ago
I also got the error that MDBDropdownLink was not found in version 4.2.0. When I downgraded to 4.1.0, MDBDropdownLink was found in the package. However, I was using it as part of the Nested Dropdown component and the MDBDropdownLink components for the submenus were not working at all.
snh5499 priority commented 1 year ago
The issue is that there is no component called "MDBDropdownLink" in either the free or pro versions. It's not identified in the index-pro.d.ts or in index-free.d.ts for typescript or probably the same for javascript. I replaced all references to use "MDBSideNavLink" as a work around as it seems like this provides similar functionality. Poor documentation and packaging manager to make refences to a component that probably exists (maybe at one time in a previous release) but did not make it into the current package TAR. You could copy the source files for MDBDropdownLink from the 4.1.0 version over into the 4.2.0+ version as an alternate hack and then add the import in the or d.ts or d.js file.