tags, chips, and labels

Tags in all their simplicity are a method of categorizing your content with use of a specific word, phrases or formulas, making it easier for your user to browse throughout your articles, comments or pages as a whole.

Their main goal is to provide your visitors with an intuitive way of getting what they want. Just consider, how convenient it is to find all the articles related to web development just by using web development tag.

Contact Person Jane Doe
Contact Person Anna Black

Tag 1
Tag 2
Tag 3

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New
Example heading New

Chips Premium component

With avatar

Contact Person Jane Doe

<div class="chip">
    <img src="https://mdbootstrap.com/img/Photos/Avatars/avatar-6.jpg" alt="Contact Person"> Jane Doe

Without avatar

Tag 1

<div class="chip">
    Tag 1
    <i class="close fa fa-times"></i>


Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New
Example heading New

<h1>Example heading <span class="tag red">New</span></h1>
<h2>Example heading <span class="tag blue">New</span></h2>
<h3>Example heading <span class="tag black">New</span></h3>
<h4>Example heading <span class="tag green">New</span></h4>
<h5>Example heading <span class="tag grey">New</span></h5>
<h6>Example heading <span class="tag indigo">New</span></h6>

Contextual variations

Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a tag.

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger

<span class="tag tag-default">Default</span>
<span class="tag tag-primary">Primary</span>
<span class="tag tag-success">Success</span>
<span class="tag tag-info">Info</span>
<span class="tag tag-warning">Warning</span>
<span class="tag tag-danger">Danger</span>

Javascript usage Premium component

Adding tags

Type a name and press enter to add tag. Click X to remove it.

<div class="chips chips-placeholder"></div>

    placeholder: 'Enter a tag',
    secondaryPlaceholder: '+Tag',

Set initial tags

<div class="chips chips-initial"></div>

    data: [{
      tag: 'Tag 1',
    }, {
      tag: 'Tag 2',
    }, {
      tag: 'Tag 3',

Chip data object

var chip = {
    tag: 'chip content',
    image: '', //optional
    id: 1, //optional

jQuery Plugin Options

Option Name Type Description
data array Set the chip data (look at the Chip data object)
placeholder string Set first placeholder when there are no tags.
secondaryPlaceholder string Set second placeholder when adding additional tags.


Event Description
chips.add this method is triggered when a chip is added
chips.delete this method is triggered when a chip is deleted.
chips.select this method is triggered when a chip is selected

 $('.chips').on('chip.add', function(e, chip){
    // you have the added chip here

  $('.chips').on('chip.delete', function(e, chip){
    // you have the deleted chip here

  $('.chips').on('chip.select', function(e, chip){
    // you have the selected chip here


Parameter Description
data It returns the stored data
options It returns the given options
