
Bootstrap Slider

Bootstrap slider is an interactive component that lets the user swiftly slide through possible values spread on the desired range.

Its basic implementation is quite simple and does not require big blocks of code.

Examples of Bootstrap slider use:

  • Video progress bar
  • Volume increase/decrease
  • Enthusiasm-o-meter

See the following Bootstrap slider examples:

Info notification

If you were looking for a slider and you meant a carousel component, click here to see all the possibilities.

Default slider

Default styling for Bootstrap Slider component

Create custom <input type="range"> controls with .custom-range. The track (the background) and thumb (the value) are both styled to appear the same across browsers. As only IE and Firefox support “filling” their track from the left or right of the thumb as a means to visually indicate progress, we do not currently support it.

        <label for="customRange1">Example range</label>
        <input type="range" class="custom-range" id="customRange1">


Material slider MDB Pro component

Material Design styling for Bootstrap Slider component

        <form class="range-field">
          <input type="range" min="0" max="100" />


Slider with different width MDB Pro component

        <form class="range-field my-4 w-25">
            <input type="range" min="0" max="100" />

        <form class="range-field my-4 w-50">
            <input type="range" min="0" max="100" />

        <form class="range-field my-4 w-75">
            <input type="range" min="0" max="100" />

        <form class="range-field my-4 w-100">
            <input type="range" min="0" max="100" />


Slider with first and last value MDB Pro component


        <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4">
            <span class="font-weight-bold indigo-text mr-2 mt-1">0</span>
                <form class="range-field w-25">
                    <input class="border-0" type="range" min="0" max="100" />
            <span class="font-weight-bold indigo-text ml-2 mt-1">100</span>

        <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4">
            <span class="font-weight-bold blue-text mr-2 mt-1">0</span>
                <form class="range-field w-50">
                    <input class="border-0" type="range" min="0" max="100" />
            <span class="font-weight-bold blue-text ml-2 mt-1">100</span>

        <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4">
            <span class="font-weight-bold purple-text mr-2 mt-1">0</span>
                <form class="range-field w-75">
                    <input class="border-0" type="range" min="0" max="100" />
            <span class="font-weight-bold purple-text ml-2 mt-1">100</span>


Slider with icons within card MDB Pro component

Card image cap

Choose your slider option

        <div class="card blue-grey lighten-5">

            <!--Card image-->
            <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="Card image cap">

            <div class="card-body text-center">

                <h3 class="indigo-text mt-4"><strong>Choose your slider option</strong></h3>

                <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4 pt-3">
                    <span class="font-weight-bold blue-text mr-2 mt-1"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                        <form class="range-field w-75">
                            <input class="border-0" type="range" min="0" max="100" />
                    <span class="font-weight-bold blue-text ml-2 mt-1"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

                <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4 pt-3">
                    <span class="font-weight-bold indigo-text mr-2 mt-1"><i class="fa fa-dollar" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                        <form class="range-field w-75">
                            <input class="border-0" type="range" min="0" max="100" />
                    <span class="font-weight-bold indigo-text ml-2 mt-1"><i class="fa fa-eur" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

                <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4 pt-3">
                    <span class="font-weight-bold purple-text mr-2 mt-1"><i class="fa fa-minus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>
                        <form class="range-field w-75">
                            <input class="border-0" type="range" min="0" max="100" />
                    <span class="font-weight-bold purple-text ml-2 mt-1"><i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>



Slider with price counter MDB Pro component

Slide to see the pricing change

You earn


Client pays


        <div class="card">
          <div class="card-body">

              <h3 class="text-center font-weight-bold blue-text mt-3 mb-4 pb-4"><strong>Slide to see the pricing change</strong></h3>

              <form class="range-field my-5">
                  <input id="calculatorSlider" class="no-border" type="range" value="0" min="0" max="30" />

              <!-- Grid row -->
              <div class="row">

                  <!-- Grid column -->
                  <div class="col-md-6 text-center pb-5">

                      <h2><span class="badge blue lighten-2 mb-4">You earn</span></h2>
                      <h2 class="display-4" style="color:#0d47a1"><strong id="resellerEarnings">75$</strong></h2>

                  <!-- Grid column -->

                  <!-- Grid column -->
                  <div class="col-md-6 text-center pb-5">

                      <h2><span class="badge blue lighten-2 mb-4">Client pays</span></h2>
                      <h2 class="display-4" style="color:#0d47a1"><strong id="clientPrice">319$</strong></h2>

                  <!-- Grid column -->

              <!-- Grid row -->



        var slider = $("#calculatorSlider");
        var developerBtn = $("#developerBtn");
        var corporateBtn = $("#corporateBtn");
        var privateBtn = $("#privateBtn");
        var reseller = $("#resellerEarnings");
        var client = $("#clientPrice");
        var percentageBonus = 30; // = 30%
        var license = {
            corpo: {
                active: true,
                price: 319,
            dev: {
                active: false,
                price: 149,
            priv: {
                active: false,
                price: 79,

        function calculate(price, value) {
            client.text((Math.round((price - (value / 100 * price)))) + '$');
            reseller.text((Math.round(((percentageBonus - value) / 100 * price))) + '$')

        function reset(price) {
            client.text(price + '$');
            reseller.text((Math.round((percentageBonus / 100 * price))) + '$');
        developerBtn.on('click', function(e) {
   = true;
   = false;
   = false;
        privateBtn.on('click', function(e) {
   = false;
   = false;
   = true;
        corporateBtn.on('click', function(e) {
   = false;
   = true;
   = false;
        slider.on("input change", function(e) {
            if ( {
                calculate(license.priv.price, $(this).val());
            } else if ( {
                calculate(license.corpo.price, $(this).val());
            } else if ( {
                calculate(, $(this).val());

Getting started : download & setup


All the components and features are part of MDBootstrap package.

MDBootstrap (Material Design for Bootstrap) is a free (MIT Licensed) framework combining Material Design and the newest Bootstrap 4.

Click the button below to go to Download Page, where you can download MDBootstrap package.

MDBootstrap Download MDBootstrap About


Using components and features labeled as MDB Pro component requires MDB Pro package.

Click the button below to learn more about MDBbootstrap Pro package

MDBootstrap Pro


If you need additional help to start, use our "5 min Quick Start" or "Full tutorial" resources.

5 min Quick Start Full Tutorial


To reduce a weight of MDBootstrap package, you can compile your own, custom package containing only components and features you need.

Map of dependencies of SCSS files in MDBootstrap:


    '-->' means 'required'

    All free and pro files require files from 'core' catalog

    'none' means 'this component doesn't require anything except core files'

    A file wrapped by `< >` means that this file make the base component prettier but it isn't necessary for the proper working

    All PRO components require 'pro/_variables.scss' file

    |-- core/
    |   |
    |   |-- bootstrap/
    |   |	|-- _functions.scss
    |   |	|-- _variables.scss
    |   |
    |   |-- _colors.scss
    |   |-- _global.scss
    |   |-- _helpers.scss
    |   |-- _masks.scss
    |   |-- _mixins.scss
    |   |-- _typography.scss
    |   |-- _variables.scss
    |   |-- _waves.scss
    |-- free/
    |   |-- _animations-basic.scss --> none
    |   |-- _animations-extended.scss --> _animations-basic.scss
    |   |-- _buttons.scss --> none
    |   |-- _cards.scss --> none <_buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _dropdowns.scss --> none <_buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _input-group.scss --> _forms.scss, _buttons.scss, _dropdowns.scss
    |   |-- _navbars.scss --> none <_buttons.scss, _forms.scss, _input-group.scss>
    |   |-- _pagination.scss --> none
    |   |-- _badges.scss --> none
    |   |-- _modals.scss --> _buttons.scss, _forms.scss (PRO --> _tabs.scss)
    |   |-- _carousels.scss --> <_buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _forms.scss --> none
    |   |-- _msc.scss --> none <_buttons.scss, _forms.scss, _cards.scss>
    |   |-- _footers.scss none <_buttons.scss> (PRO: )
    |   |-- _list-group.scss --> none
    |   |-- _tables.scss --> none (PRO: _material-select.scss, pro/_forms.scss, _checkbox.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, pro/_cards.scss, _pagination.scss, pro/_msc.scss)
    |   |-- _depreciated.scss
    |-- pro/
    |   |
    |   |-- picker/
    |   |   |-- _default.scss --> none
    |   |   |-- _default-time.scss --> _default.scss, free/_forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, free/_cards.scss
    |   |   |-- _default-date.scss --> _default.scss, free/_forms.scss
    |   |
    |   |-- sections/
    |   |   |-- _templates.scss --> _sidenav.scss
    |   |   |-- _social.scss --> free/_cards.scss, free/ _forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss,
    |   |   |-- _team.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, free/_cards.scss, pro/_cards.scss
    |   |   |-- _testimonials.scss --> free/_carousels.scss, pro/_carousels.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |   |-- _magazine.scss --> _badges.scss
    |   |   |-- _pricing.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |   |-- _contacts.scss --> free/_forms.scss, pro/_forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |
    |   |-- _variables.scss
    |   |-- _buttons.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_msc.scss, _checkbox.scss, _radio.scss
    |   |-- _social-buttons.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _tabs.scss --> _cards.scss
    |   |-- _cards.scss --> free/_cards.scss <_buttons.scss, _social-buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _dropdowns.scss --> free/_dropdowns.scss, free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _navbars.scss --> free/_navbars.scss  (PRO: )
    |   |-- _scrollspy.scss --> none
    |   |-- _lightbox.scss --> none
    |   |-- _chips.scss --> none
    |   |-- _msc.scss --> none
    |   |-- _forms.scss --> none
    |   |-- _radio.scss --> none
    |   |-- _checkbox.scss --> none
    |   |-- _material-select.scss --> none
    |   |-- _switch.scss --> none
    |   |-- _file-input.scss --> free/_forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _range.scss --> none
    |   |-- _input-group.scss --> free/_input-group.scss and the same what free input group, _checkbox.scss, _radio.scss
    |   |-- _autocomplete.scss --> free/_forms.scss
    |   |-- _accordion.scss --> pro/_animations.scss, free/_cards.scss
    |   |-- _parallax.scss --> none
    |   |-- _sidenav.scss --> free/_forms.scss, pro/_animations.scss, sections/_templates.scss
    |   |-- _ecommerce.scss --> free/_cards.scss, pro/_cards.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, pro/_msc.scss
    |   |-- _carousels.scss --> free/_carousels.scss, free/_cards.scss, free/_buttons.scss 
    |   |-- _steppers.scss --> free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _blog.scss --> none
    |   |-- _toasts.scss --> free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _animations.scss --> none
    |   |-- _charts.scss --> none
    |   |-- _progress.scss --> none
    |   |-- _scrollbar.scss --> none
    |   |-- _skins.scss --> none
    |   |-- _depreciated.scss
    `-- _custom-skin.scss
    `-- _custom-styles.scss
    `-- _custom-variables.scss
    `-- mdb.scss


Map of dependencies of JavaScript modules in MDBootstrap:


    '-->' means 'required'

    All files require jQuery and bootstrap.js

    ├── dist/
    │   ├── buttons.js
    │   ├── cards.js
    │   ├── character-counter.js
    │   ├── chips.js
    │   ├── collapsible.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── dropdown.js --> Popper.js, jquery.easing.js
    │   ├── file-input.js
    │   ├── forms-free.js
    │   ├── material-select.js --> dropdown.js
    │   ├── mdb-autocomplete.js
    │   ├── preloading.js
    │   ├── range-input.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── scrolling-navbar.js
    │   ├── sidenav.js --> vendor/velocity.js, vendor/hammer.js, vendor/jquery.hammer.js
    │   └── smooth-scroll.js
    ├── _intro-mdb-pro.js
    ├── modules.js
    ├── src/
    │   ├── buttons.js
    │   ├── cards.js
    │   ├── character-counter.js
    │   ├── chips.js
    │   ├── collapsible.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── dropdown.js --> Popper.js, jquery.easing.js
    │   ├── file-input.js
    │   ├── forms-free.js
    │   ├── material-select.js --> dropdown.js
    │   ├── mdb-autocomplete.js
    │   ├── preloading.js
    │   ├── range-input.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── scrolling-navbar.js
    │   ├── sidenav.js --> vendor/velocity.js, vendor/hammer.js, vendor/jquery.hammer.js
    │   └── smooth-scroll.js
    └── vendor/
        ├── addons/
        │   ├── datatables.js
        │   └── datatables.min.js
        ├── chart.js
        ├── enhanced-modals.js
        ├── hammer.js
        ├── jarallax.js
        ├── jarallax-video.js --> vendor/jarallax.js
        ├── jquery.easing.js
        ├── jquery.easypiechart.js
        ├── jquery.hammer.js --> vendor/hammer.js
        ├── jquery.sticky.js
        ├── lightbox.js
        ├── picker-date.js --> vendor/picker.js
        ├── picker.js
        ├── picker-time.js --> vendor/picker.js
        ├── scrollbar.js
        ├── scrolling-navbar.js
        ├── toastr.js
        ├── velocity.js
        ├── waves.js
        └── wow.js

Compilation & Customization tutorial

If you need additional help to compile your custom package, use our Compilation & Customization tutorial

Compilation & Customization tutorial

Integrations with Angular, React or Vue

Apart from standard Bootstrap integration with jQuery, MDBootstrap provides integrations with Angular, React and Vue.

About MDB Angular About MDB React About MDB Vue