Table responsive

Bootstrap table responsive

Responsive tables allow tables to be scrolled horizontally with ease. Make any table responsive across all viewports by wrapping a .table with .table-responsive. Or, pick a maximum breakpoint with which to have a responsive table up to by using .table-responsive{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl}.

Vertical clipping/truncation

Responsive tables make use of overflow-y: hidden, which clips off any content that goes beyond the bottom or top edges of the table. In particular, this can clip off dropdown menus and other third-party widgets.

Always responsive

Across every breakpoint, use .table-responsive for horizontally scrolling tables.

# Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
1 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

        <div class="table-responsive">
          <table class="table">
                <th scope="col">#</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="col">Heading</th>
                <th scope="row">1</th>
                <th scope="row">2</th>
                <th scope="row">3</th>


Breakpoint specific

Use .table-responsive{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl} as needed to create responsive tables up to a particular breakpoint. From that breakpoint and up, the table will behave normally and not scroll horizontally.

# Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
1 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

# Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
1 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

# Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
1 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

# Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
1 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

        <div class="table-responsive-sm">
          <table class="table">

        <div class="table-responsive-md">
          <table class="table">

        <div class="table-responsive-lg">
          <table class="table">

        <div class="table-responsive-xl">
          <table class="table">


Bootstrap table column width

Use one of the following classes to manipulate the width of the columns.

Table columns with auto width

Add .w-auto class to the table element to set an auto width to the table column.

The width of the columns will automatically adjust to the content of the column. That means it will always take a minimum width required to present its content.

# Name Surname Country City Position Age
1 Kate Moss USA New York City Web Designer 23
2 Anna Wintour United Kingdom London Frontend Developer 36
3 Tom Bond Spain Madrid Photographer 25
4 Jerry Horwitz Italy Bari Editor-in-chief 41
5 Janis Joplin Poland Warsaw Video Maker 39
6 Gary Winogrand Germany Berlin Photographer 37
7 Angie Smith USA San Francisco Teacher 52
8 John Mattis France Paris Actor 28
9 Otto Morris Germany Munich Singer 35

        <table class="table table-striped w-auto">

          <!--Table head-->
          <!--Table head-->

          <!--Table body-->
            <tr class="table-info">
              <th scope="row">1</th>
              <td>New York City</td>
              <td>Web Designer</td>
              <th scope="row">2</th>
              <td>United Kingdom</td>
              <td>Frontend Developer</td>
            <tr class="table-info">
              <th scope="row">3</th>
              <th scope="row">4</th>
            <tr class="table-info">
              <th scope="row">5</th>
              <td>Video Maker</td>
              <th scope="row">6</th>
            <tr class="table-info">
              <th scope="row">7</th>
              <td>San Francisco</td>
              <th scope="row">8</th>
            <tr class="table-info">
              <th scope="row">9</th>
          <!--Table body-->



Table columns with minimal width

Use .th-lg or .th-sm class to set a minimal width of a table column. .th-lg class gives 9 rem of the minimal width of the column and .th-sm class gives 6 rem.

You have to add .th-lg or class to the <th> element within the <thead>.

Resize the browser window to see the effect.

.th-lg - 9 rem minimal width of the column

# Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
1 Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
2 Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
3 Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor

        <div class="table-responsive">

          <table class="table">

            <!--Table head-->
                <th class="th-lg">Lorem ipsum dolor</th>
                <th class="th-lg">Lorem ipsum dolor</th>
                <th class="th-lg">Lorem ipsum dolor</th>
            <!--Table head-->

            <!--Table body-->
                <th scope="row">1</th>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <th scope="row">2</th>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <th scope="row">3</th>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
            <!--Table body-->




.th-sm - 6 rem minimal width of the column

# Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
1 Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
2 Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor
3 Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor

        <div class="table-responsive">

          <table class="table">

            <!--Table head-->
                <th class="th-sm">Lorem ipsum dolor</th>
                <th class="th-sm">Lorem ipsum dolor</th>
                <th class="th-sm">Lorem ipsum dolor</th>
            <!--Table head-->

            <!--Table body-->
                <th scope="row">1</th>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <th scope="row">2</th>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <th scope="row">3</th>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
                <td>Lorem ipsum dolor</td>
            <!--Table body-->




Table columns with fixed width

Add .table-fixed class to the table element to set a fixed width to the all columns of the table.

A .table-fixed get a table a lot sturdier and more predictable with property/value in place.

When you are use .table-fixed layout of your table is based on the first row.

# Name Surname Country City Position Age
4 Jerry Horwitz Italy Bari Editor-in-chief 41
5 Janis Joplin Poland Warsaw Video Maker 39
6 Gary Winogrand Germany Berlin Photographer 37
7 Angie Smith USA San Francisco Teacher 52
8 John Mattis France Paris Actor 28
9 Otto Morris Germany Munich Singer 35

        <table class="table table-hover table-fixed">

          <!--Table head-->
          <!--Table head-->

          <!--Table body-->
              <th scope="row">4</th>
              <th scope="row">5</th>
              <td>Video Maker</td>
              <th scope="row">6</th>
              <th scope="row">7</th>
              <td>San Francisco</td>
              <th scope="row">8</th>
              <th scope="row">9</th>
          <!--Table body-->



Table columns with text-nowrap

With class .text-nowrap you can specific how white-space inside an table is handled.

Sequences of white space are preserved. Lines are broken at newline characters, at br, and as necessary to fill line boxes.

If you want use a .text-nowrap you have to use div wrapper with .table-responsive class because your table will be broken on small on small screens.

For example here is table with text-nowrap class:

# Name Surname Country City Position Age
1 Kate Moss USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 23
2 Anna Wintour USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 36
3 Tom Bond USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 25
4 Jerry Horwitz USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 41
5 Janis Joplin USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 39
6 Gary Winogrand USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 37
7 Angie Smith USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 52
8 John Mattis USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 28
9 Otto Morris USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 35

        <div class="table-responsive text-nowrap">
          <table class="table table-striped">

            <!--Table head-->
            <!--Table head-->

            <!--Table body-->
                <th scope="row">1</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">2</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">3</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">4</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">5</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">6</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">7</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">8</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
                <th scope="row">9</th>
                <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
                <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
                <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
            <!--Table body-->

  <!--Section: Live preview-->


Here is a example how the same table looks without class .text-nowrap (only 4 first rows).

# Name Surname Country City Position Age
1 Kate Moss USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 23
2 Anna Wintour USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 36
4 Jerry Horwitz USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer 41

      <div class="table-responsive">
        <table class="table table-striped">

          <!--Table head-->
          <!--Table head-->

          <!--Table body-->
              <th scope="row">1</th>
              <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
              <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
              <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
              <th scope="row">2</th>
              <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
              <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
              <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
              <th scope="row">4</th>
              <td>USA / The United Kingdom / China / Russia </td>
              <td>New York City / Warsaw / Lodz / Amsterdam / London / Chicago</td>
              <td>Web Designer /UX designer / Ul designer / JavaScript Developer</td>
          <!--Table body-->


Getting started : download & setup


All the components and features are part of MDBootstrap package.

MDBootstrap (Material Design for Bootstrap) is a free (MIT Licensed) framework combining Material Design and the newest Bootstrap 4.

Click the button below to go to Download Page, where you can download MDBootstrap package.

MDBootstrap Download MDBootstrap About


Using components and features labeled as MDB Pro component requires MDB Pro package.

Click the button below to learn more about MDBbootstrap Pro package

MDBootstrap Pro


If you need additional help to start, use our "5 min Quick Start" or "Full tutorial" resources.

5 min Quick Start Full Tutorial


To reduce a weight of MDBootstrap package, you can compile your own, custom package containing only components and features you need.

Map of dependencies of SCSS files in MDBootstrap:


    '-->' means 'required'

    All free and pro files require files from 'core' catalog

    'none' means 'this component doesn't require anything except core files'

    A file wrapped by `< >` means that this file make the base component prettier but it isn't necessary for the proper working

    All PRO components require 'pro/_variables.scss' file

    |-- core/
    |   |
    |   |-- bootstrap/
    |   |	|-- _functions.scss
    |   |	|-- _variables.scss
    |   |
    |   |-- _colors.scss
    |   |-- _global.scss
    |   |-- _helpers.scss
    |   |-- _masks.scss
    |   |-- _mixins.scss
    |   |-- _typography.scss
    |   |-- _variables.scss
    |   |-- _waves.scss
    |-- free/
    |   |-- _animations-basic.scss --> none
    |   |-- _animations-extended.scss --> _animations-basic.scss
    |   |-- _buttons.scss --> none
    |   |-- _cards.scss --> none <_buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _dropdowns.scss --> none <_buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _input-group.scss --> _forms.scss, _buttons.scss, _dropdowns.scss
    |   |-- _navbars.scss --> none <_buttons.scss, _forms.scss, _input-group.scss>
    |   |-- _pagination.scss --> none
    |   |-- _badges.scss --> none
    |   |-- _modals.scss --> _buttons.scss, _forms.scss (PRO --> _tabs.scss)
    |   |-- _carousels.scss --> <_buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _forms.scss --> none
    |   |-- _msc.scss --> none <_buttons.scss, _forms.scss, _cards.scss>
    |   |-- _footers.scss none <_buttons.scss> (PRO: )
    |   |-- _list-group.scss --> none
    |   |-- _tables.scss --> none (PRO: _material-select.scss, pro/_forms.scss, _checkbox.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, pro/_cards.scss, _pagination.scss, pro/_msc.scss)
    |   |-- _depreciated.scss
    |-- pro/
    |   |
    |   |-- picker/
    |   |   |-- _default.scss --> none
    |   |   |-- _default-time.scss --> _default.scss, free/_forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, free/_cards.scss
    |   |   |-- _default-date.scss --> _default.scss, free/_forms.scss
    |   |
    |   |-- sections/
    |   |   |-- _templates.scss --> _sidenav.scss
    |   |   |-- _social.scss --> free/_cards.scss, free/ _forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss,
    |   |   |-- _team.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, free/_cards.scss, pro/_cards.scss
    |   |   |-- _testimonials.scss --> free/_carousels.scss, pro/_carousels.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |   |-- _magazine.scss --> _badges.scss
    |   |   |-- _pricing.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |   |-- _contacts.scss --> free/_forms.scss, pro/_forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |
    |   |-- _variables.scss
    |   |-- _buttons.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_msc.scss, _checkbox.scss, _radio.scss
    |   |-- _social-buttons.scss --> free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _tabs.scss --> _cards.scss
    |   |-- _cards.scss --> free/_cards.scss <_buttons.scss, _social-buttons.scss>
    |   |-- _dropdowns.scss --> free/_dropdowns.scss, free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _navbars.scss --> free/_navbars.scss  (PRO: )
    |   |-- _scrollspy.scss --> none
    |   |-- _lightbox.scss --> none
    |   |-- _chips.scss --> none
    |   |-- _msc.scss --> none
    |   |-- _forms.scss --> none
    |   |-- _radio.scss --> none
    |   |-- _checkbox.scss --> none
    |   |-- _material-select.scss --> none
    |   |-- _switch.scss --> none
    |   |-- _file-input.scss --> free/_forms.scss, free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _range.scss --> none
    |   |-- _input-group.scss --> free/_input-group.scss and the same what free input group, _checkbox.scss, _radio.scss
    |   |-- _autocomplete.scss --> free/_forms.scss
    |   |-- _accordion.scss --> pro/_animations.scss, free/_cards.scss
    |   |-- _parallax.scss --> none
    |   |-- _sidenav.scss --> free/_forms.scss, pro/_animations.scss, sections/_templates.scss
    |   |-- _ecommerce.scss --> free/_cards.scss, pro/_cards.scss, free/_buttons.scss, pro/_buttons.scss, pro/_msc.scss
    |   |-- _carousels.scss --> free/_carousels.scss, free/_cards.scss, free/_buttons.scss 
    |   |-- _steppers.scss --> free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _blog.scss --> none
    |   |-- _toasts.scss --> free/_buttons.scss
    |   |-- _animations.scss --> none
    |   |-- _charts.scss --> none
    |   |-- _progress.scss --> none
    |   |-- _scrollbar.scss --> none
    |   |-- _skins.scss --> none
    |   |-- _depreciated.scss
    `-- _custom-skin.scss
    `-- _custom-styles.scss
    `-- _custom-variables.scss
    `-- mdb.scss


Map of dependencies of JavaScript modules in MDBootstrap:


    '-->' means 'required'

    All files require jQuery and bootstrap.js

    ├── dist/
    │   ├── buttons.js
    │   ├── cards.js
    │   ├── character-counter.js
    │   ├── chips.js
    │   ├── collapsible.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── dropdown.js --> Popper.js, jquery.easing.js
    │   ├── file-input.js
    │   ├── forms-free.js
    │   ├── material-select.js --> dropdown.js
    │   ├── mdb-autocomplete.js
    │   ├── preloading.js
    │   ├── range-input.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── scrolling-navbar.js
    │   ├── sidenav.js --> vendor/velocity.js, vendor/hammer.js, vendor/jquery.hammer.js
    │   └── smooth-scroll.js
    ├── _intro-mdb-pro.js
    ├── modules.js
    ├── src/
    │   ├── buttons.js
    │   ├── cards.js
    │   ├── character-counter.js
    │   ├── chips.js
    │   ├── collapsible.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── dropdown.js --> Popper.js, jquery.easing.js
    │   ├── file-input.js
    │   ├── forms-free.js
    │   ├── material-select.js --> dropdown.js
    │   ├── mdb-autocomplete.js
    │   ├── preloading.js
    │   ├── range-input.js --> vendor/velocity.js
    │   ├── scrolling-navbar.js
    │   ├── sidenav.js --> vendor/velocity.js, vendor/hammer.js, vendor/jquery.hammer.js
    │   └── smooth-scroll.js
    └── vendor/
        ├── addons/
        │   ├── datatables.js
        │   └── datatables.min.js
        ├── chart.js
        ├── enhanced-modals.js
        ├── hammer.js
        ├── jarallax.js
        ├── jarallax-video.js --> vendor/jarallax.js
        ├── jquery.easing.js
        ├── jquery.easypiechart.js
        ├── jquery.hammer.js --> vendor/hammer.js
        ├── jquery.sticky.js
        ├── lightbox.js
        ├── picker-date.js --> vendor/picker.js
        ├── picker.js
        ├── picker-time.js --> vendor/picker.js
        ├── scrollbar.js
        ├── scrolling-navbar.js
        ├── toastr.js
        ├── velocity.js
        ├── waves.js
        └── wow.js

Compilation & Customization tutorial

If you need additional help to compile your custom package, use our Compilation & Customization tutorial

Compilation & Customization tutorial

Integrations with Angular, React or Vue

Apart from standard Bootstrap integration with jQuery, MDBootstrap provides integrations with Angular, React and Vue.

About MDB Angular About MDB React About MDB Vue