Infinite scroll

Angular Bootstrap 5 Infinite scroll

This feature adds a scroll event listener (to the window or the component it's attached to if it has the overflow-y property set to scroll) and calls a callback method every time a user reaches an end of a page/container.

Note: Read the API tab to find all available options and advanced customization

Basic example

Scroll down the container below to add more items.

Note: Your element should be scrollable, for example, it should have overflow-y: scroll property like in the example below.

  • Angry
  • Dizzy
  • Flushed
  • Frown
  • Grimace
  • Grin
            <div style="width: 200px">
                class="container list-group"
                style="max-height: 261px; overflow-y: scroll"
                <li *ngFor="let icon of icons" class="list-group-item d-flex align-items-center">
                  <i class="far fa-{{ icon.toLowerCase() }} fa-3x me-4"></i> {{ icon }}
            import { Component } from '@angular/core';

              selector: 'app-infinite-scroll',
              templateUrl: './infinite-scroll.component.html',
              styleUrls: ['./infinite-scroll.component.scss'],
            export class InfiniteScrollComponent {
              icons = ['Angry', 'Dizzy', 'Flushed', 'Frown', 'Grimace', 'Grin'];

              iconsToLoad = [

              index = 0;

              constructor() {}

              onComplete(): void {
                if (this.index < this.iconsToLoad.length) {


Use [direction] input to define the scrolling direction.

Angry Dizzy Flushed Grimace Grin
            class="py-3 text-center"
            style="max-width: 1500px; overflow-x: scroll; white-space: nowrap"
            <span *ngFor="let icon of icons" class="mx-5"
              ><i class="far fa-{{ icon.toLowerCase() }} fa-3x me-4"></i> {{ icon }}</span
            import { Component } from '@angular/core';

              selector: 'app-infinite-scroll',
              templateUrl: './infinite-scroll.component.html',
              styleUrls: ['./infinite-scroll.component.scss'],
            export class InfiniteScrollComponent {
              icons = ['Angry', 'Dizzy', 'Flushed', 'Frown', 'Grimace', 'Grin'];

              iconsToLoad = [

              index = 0;

              constructor() {}

              onComplete(): void {
                if (this.index < this.iconsToLoad.length) {

Spinners and asynchronous data

              class="infinite-scroll py-3 text-center"
              style="max-height: 500px; overflow-y: scroll"
              <div id="images">
                <img *ngFor="let image of images" [src]="image" class="img-fluid mb-3" />
              <div *ngIf="loading" class="spinner-border mx-auto" id="spinner"></div>
            import { Component } from '@angular/core';

              selector: 'app-infinite-scroll',
              templateUrl: './infinite-scroll.component.html',
              styleUrls: ['./infinite-scroll.component.scss'],
            export class InfiniteScrollComponent {
              images = [

              imagesToLoad = [

              index = 0;
              loading = false;

              constructor() {}

              onComplete(): void {
                if (this.index < this.imagesToLoad.length) {
                  this.loading = true;
                  // Simulate async loading
                  setTimeout(() => {
                    this.loading = false;
                  }, 1500);

Infinite scroll - API


          import { MdbInfiniteScrollModule } from 'mdb-angular-ui-kit/infinite-scroll';
          @NgModule ({
            imports: [MdbInfiniteScrollModule],


Name Type Default Description
direction MdbInfiniteScrollDirection 'vertical' Defines scroll direction (horizontal or vertical)
window boolean false Defines window as a scroll container


Name Type Description
infiniteScrollCompleted EventEmitter<any> Event fired when scroll reaches bottom of a container
              <div style="width: 200px">
                  class="container list-group"
                  style="max-height: 261px; overflow-y: scroll"
                  <li *ngFor="let icon of icons" class="list-group-item d-flex align-items-center">
                    <i class="far fa-{{ icon.toLowerCase() }} fa-3x me-4"></i> {{ icon }}
              import { Component } from '@angular/core';

                selector: 'app-infinite-scroll',
                templateUrl: './infinite-scroll.component.html',
                styleUrls: ['./infinite-scroll.component.scss'],
              export class InfiniteScrollComponent {
                icons = ['Angry', 'Dizzy', 'Flushed', 'Frown', 'Grimace', 'Grin'];

                iconsToLoad = [

                index = 0;

                constructor() {}

                onComplete(): void {
                  if (this.index < this.iconsToLoad.length) {