MDB Standard PRO

Instantly speed up your development with a complete suite of well-documented, reliable components.

  1. Latest Bootstrap + vanilla JS
  2. 5000+ components
  3. Templates, plugins & design blocks
  4. Intutive design system in Figma
  5. Advanced customization & integration
MDB 5 - Bootstrap 5 & Material Design MDB 5 - Bootstrap 5 & Material Design
  1. 1 project
  2. 5 projects
  3. Unlimited projects
  4. Core components
  5. All PRO components
  6. Unlimited updates
  7. 436 design blocks
Discount details & renewals Discount details & renewals
  1. Unlimited projects
  2. Core components
  3. All PRO components
  4. Unlimited updates
  5. 436 design blocks
Discount details & renewals
  1. Unlimited projects
  2. Core components
  3. All PRO components
  4. Unlimited updates
  5. 436 design blocks
  6. 25 plugins
  7. 75 templates
Discount details & renewals

The Bundle contains everything from the ADVANCED tier for all MDB technologies

  1. Advanced bootstrap logo Standard
  2. Advanced angular logo Angular
  3. Advanced react logo React
  4. Advanced vue logo Vue
Discount details & renewals
Explore modules separately

10 developers


This tier contains everything from the ADVANCED license for 10 developers + team management features.

  1. Unlimited projects
  2. All PRO Components
  3. All Design blocks
  4. Priority support
Buy team license now
Discount details & renewals

More developers / Different license / More technologies


In order to provide you with a proper quotation, we need you to specify the following:

  • The number of developers who will need access to MDB PRO code in your project.
  • The preferred technologies (i.e. standard, angular, react, vue)
  • Do you need any custom licensing options? (i.e. Whitelabel, custom support models), or is the predefined EULA license suitable for you?
  • What is the budget & scope of the project? What exactly are you building?
  • Do you need any additional web development services?

Trusted by 3,000,000+ devs & businesses

airbus - logo allianz - logo amazon - logo aon - logo apple - logo bosch - logo bridgestone - logo cisco - logo dell - logo deloitte - logo ebay - logo ericsson - logo esprit - logo fedex - logo fifa - logo honda - logo ikea - logo Johnson and johnson - logo jpmorgan - logo kpmg - logo locakheed - logo logitech - logo monster - logo nasa - logo nato - logo nike - logo nokia - logo orange - logo prudential - logo pwc - logo rabobank - logo rakuten - logo samsung - logo sony - logo tata - logo unicef - logo unity - logo Verizon - logo Warner Bros - logo Warner Music - logo yahoo - logo zeiss - logo

Any tier of MDB PRO works seamlessly with:

Backend Integrations

Bundler integrations

Other integrations & presets

3 months of hosting added as FREE gift

With the purchase of any MDB PRO product you get 3 months of Professional-tier MDB GO hosting for free! You will be able to claim this gift on the confirmation page, right after the purchase. This includes 5 databases, 3G disk space, custom domains, CI/CD pipelines & more!

*of course MDB PRO is a UI Kit so you can host it anywhere, but MDB GO provides you with some awesome additional features

PRO Components

ProductLowest TierAPI OptionsJS MethodsDesign VariantsRegular PriceBuy moduleGet entire tier
Alerts PROSingle Use974099buy
Animations PROSingle Use1663299buy
Autocomplete PROSingle Use1061699buy
Charts PROSingle Use9343799buy
Chips PROSingle Use633499buy
Clipboard PROSingle Use13-99buy
Datatables PROSingle Use3663599buy
Datepicker PROSingle Use3762399buy
Datetimepicker PROSingle Use1345699buy
Infinite Scroll PROSingle Use13-99buy
Lazy Loading PROSingle Use63-99buy
Lightbox PROSingle Use410699buy
Loading Management PROSingle Use102-99buy
Modal PROSingle Use371599buy
Multi Range Slider PROSingle Use53-99buy
Popconfirm PROSingle Use937299buy
Rating PROSingle Use833699buy
Scrollbar PROSingle Use114-99buy
Select PROSingle Use2161099buy
Sidenav PROSingle Use1994899buy
Smooth Scroll PROSingle Use44-99buy
Stepper PROSingle Use1663499buy
Sticky PROSingle Use94-99buy
Timepicker PROSingle Use2641899buy
Toasts PROSingle Use1031899buy
Touch PROSingle Use153-99buy

Design Blocks

ProductLowest TierNumber of Design BlocksRegular PriceExtendGet entire tier
Admin Design BlocksEssential51159view
eCommerce Design BlocksEssential89269view
Industry-Specific Design BlocksEssential110339view
Landing page Design BlocksEssential117359view
Blog Design BlocksEssential45139view
Portfolio Design BlocksEssential2479view


ProductLowest TierAPI OptionsJS MethodsRegular PriceBuy moduleGet entire tier
Calendar PluginAdvanced3328149buy
Captcha PluginAdvanced54149buy
Color Picker PluginAdvanced12-149buy
Cookies Management PluginAdvanced-3149buy
Countdown PluginAdvanced105149buy
Data Parser PluginAdvanced-2149buy
Drag And Drop PluginAdvanced92149buy
Dummy PluginAdvanced103149buy
Ecommerce Gallery PluginAdvanced33149buy
File Upload PluginAdvanced--149buy
Filters PluginAdvanced--149buy
Inputmask PluginAdvanced92149buy
Mention PluginAdvanced84149buy
Multi Carousel PluginAdvanced35149buy
Onboarding PluginAdvanced248149buy
Organization Chart PluginAdvanced22149buy
Parallax PluginAdvanced103149buy
Scroll Status PluginAdvanced72149buy
Storage Management PluginAdvanced-4149buy
Table Editor PluginAdvanced395149buy
Transfer PluginAdvanced262149buy
Treetable PluginAdvanced-4149buy
Treeview PluginAdvanced215149buy
Vector Maps PluginAdvanced354149buy
WYSIWYG PluginAdvanced121149buy


ProductLowest TierNumber of TemplatesRegular PriceEXTENDGet entire tier
Landing Page TemplatesAdvanced28449view
Admin TemplatesAdvanced18289view
Portfolio TemplatesAdvanced12199view
Ecommerce TemplatesAdvanced10169view
Blog TemplatesAdvanced7119view

Core components

ProductLowest TierAPI OptionsJS MethodsDesign VariantsPremium SupportBuy coreGet entire tier
ButtonsSingle Use-6115069buy
DropdownsSingle Use7710869buy
AccordionSingle Use--1669buy
BadgesSingle Use--10769buy
Button GroupSingle Use--29269buy
CardsSingle Use--3369buy
CarouselSingle Use694069buy
CollapseSingle Use26969buy
List GroupSingle Use-46369buy
ModalSingle Use371569buy
PopoversSingle Use181057669buy
Progress barsSingle Use--10069buy
SpinnersSingle Use--6369buy
TooltipsSingle Use17105669buy
IconsSingle Use--19869buy
FiguresSingle Use---69buy
ImagesSingle Use---69buy
MasksSingle Use---69buy
FlagsSingle Use---69buy
Hover effectsSingle Use---69buy
ShadowsSingle Use---69buy
BreadcrumbSingle Use--2069buy
FooterSingle Use--2669buy
Headers / JumbotronSingle Use--969buy
NavbarSingle Use--7369buy
PaginationSingle Use--6069buy
PillsSingle Use-31269buy
ScrollspySingle Use33169buy
TabsSingle Use-31269buy
CheckboxSingle Use--4069buy
SearchSingle Use--1569buy
RadioSingle Use--4069buy
RangeSingle Use-4469buy
ValidationSingle Use---69buy
TablesSingle Use--4569buy
PlaceholdersSingle Use--8169buy
RippleSingle Use53-69buy

Licensing features

Product / FeatureSingle UseMulti UseEssentialAdvancedBundle
Unlimited Updates
Premium Support
Git repository
npm installation
Unminified source access
Premium Snippets
Priority Support

PRO Components

Design Blocks



Product / FeatureSingle UseMulti UseEssentialAdvancedBundle
Landing Page 449
Admin 289
Portfolio 199
Ecommerce 169
Blog 119

Core components

Frequently asked questions

How Premium & Priority Support works?

With Premium Support your issues have a guaranteed response. Our support team works Monday-Friday from 8am to 4pm CET. We usually get back to you within 24h. With Priority Support your issues are prioritized over other reports from a given day.

How many projects can I build with MDB?

The number of commercial projects that you can build with the license is specified by the license tier. You can choose between 1 project in the Single Use tier, 5 projects in Multi Use or unlimited projects in higher tiers.

What does the "project" mean in the license?

The project is defined as a domain / app. Even with 1 project you can have multiple subdomains i.e. you can publish your app on domain, and have an additional module at With "unlimited projects", you can publish your projects on as many domains as you want.

Can I use MDB for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use MDB for any commercial project. You can create and sell website or app projects, you can use MDB in your SaaS business, build a CRM and ERP tools etc.

Will I get an invoice? Is VAT included in the price?

You will get an invoice, and the VAT is already included in the price. During the checkout process, you will be able to fill out your company details (including VAT ID) and get an invoice based on them. If you forgot to fill out your company details, you can do so after the purchase - just contact us.

How many developers can use MDB license?

Individual tiers (Single Use, Multi Use, Essential, Advanced, Bundle) are meant for a single developer. If you need a team license, choose one of the Team tiers. All team options include everything from the Advanced tier - so everything from a given technology, as well as rotating licenses, team management and priority support.

More questions? Reach out to us at

More about components:

  • Professionally designed, modern components

  • 3794+ component variants covered in Figma files - based on Material Minimal design system

  • Powerful Theming with support for color modes - implement dark mode or create your own custom theme in minutes

  • 3,000,000+ developers use MDB tools & our projects scored over GitHub Org's stars GitHub stars