Popover on hover
Bootstrap 5 Popover on hover
Responsive Popover on hover built with Bootstrap 5. Examples of custom html, directions, images & more.
To learn more read Popover Docs.
Basic example
To make popover work on
hover just change the value in the data-mdb-trigger
attribute to "hover"
Four directions
To make popover work on
hover just change the value in the data-mdb-trigger
attribute to "hover"
Custom html on hover
If you want to add html content to popover add data-mdb-html="true"
attribute to element
and then you can add html code in data-mdb-content
attribute. You can do it also via
javascript. See how to do it here.
Image on hover
To make the image on hover in popover just insert an image as
an HTML element to the data-mdb-content
and set the data-mdb-html