Instagram newsfeed

Experimental project created by the community of MDB

"Instagram newsfeed" by Adam Jakubowski


The world's most popular photo and video-sharing social networking service recreated in Material Design 2.0 using MDB 5.

The project includes the user's newsfeed, along with the typical two-column layout, story row and navigation.

Live demo & source code

From the creator, about the project:


Adam Jakubowski

Creating this project was an interesting challenge and a perfect break from everyday tasks. While working, I wanted to keep the characteristic elements of Instagram and reproduce its design as well as possible, but at the same time add some MDB flavor.

It took me the most trouble to replicate "Instagram stories" elements and to try to add a stories playback options. However, in the future, I hope to expand the project even further and add some Instagram-specific features.

Video tutorial - create your own "Instagram newsfeed"