
Bootstrap 5 Dummy plugin

Dummy plugin creates placeholder content for accelerated building and testing your frontend templates.

Responsive Dummy plugin built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Plenty of implementation examples such as images, lists, tables, and much more.

Note: Read the API tab to find all available options and advanced customization

Note: Currently, the plugin is only compatible with the basic MDB package imported in UMD format. More about import MDB formats.

Create Dummy component for an element by adding data-mdb-dummy-init attribute to it. Depending on the base element, different Dummies will be created. For most of the HTML tags default Dummy is Text.

To explicitly create specific Dummy add proper data-mdb- attribute to element with data-mdb-dummy-init attribute.


Create Dummy Text by adding data-mdb-dummy-text to element. To create text with custom length add value of desired length to the attribute. Change text color with data-mdb-text-color attribute.

Implicitly generated text:
Invigorated lineamen
Explicitly generated text with 40 characters length:
Noyau botulinuses disembowelment beset m
Text with custom color:
Invigorated study an
<dl class="row">
  <dt class="col-sm-6" data-mdb-dummy-init>Implicitly generated text:</dt>
  <dd class="col-sm-6"></dd>

  <dt class="col-sm-6">Explicitly generated text with 40 characters length:</dt>
  <dd class="col-sm-6" data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-text="40"></dd>

  <dt class="col-sm-6">Text with custom color:</dt>
  <dd class="col-sm-6" data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-text-color="red"></dd>


Create Dummy Image by adding data-mdb-dummy-img to element.


By default Dummy Image is created with size 150x150px and grey background

<img data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img />


Change Dummy Image size with data-mdb-dummy-img="width value, height value". Height value is optional, when omitted square image will be created.

<img class="dummy" data-mdb-dummy-img="400,300" />

Make Dummy Image inherit full size of its container with data-mdb-dummy-img="100%,100%".

Note: It will only work with container having explicitly set width and height.

Setting data-mdb-dummy-img="100%" will create square image with width and height of its container width

<div style="width: 500px">
  <img data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img="100%" />


Add text to Dummy Image with data-mdb-dummy-img-text attribute. Pass any value to attrtibute to set your own text or leave empty to create Dummy Text inside image. Set length of Dummy Text with data-mdb-dummy-text="text length value"

<img data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img="300" data-mdb-dummy-img-text="Custom text" />
<img data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img="300" data-mdb-dummy-img-text data-mdb-dummy-text="25" />


Set the image background color using data-mdb-color and the text color with data-mdb-dummy-text-color. Note that Dummy Image only accepts color values in hexadecimal format (hex).



Create Dummy List by adding data-mdb-dummy-list to ul or ol element.


By default, Dummy List will generate a list with 5 Dummy Text elements.

  • Southernwood souther
  • Swagman lineamental
  • Botulinuses hipping
  • Posttibial attractiv
  • Agana duopoly dunsta
<ul data-mdb-dummy-init></ul>


Change Dummy List length with data-mdb-dummy-list="length value" and length of Dummy Text element with data-mdb-dummy-text="text length value".

  • Abbreviator italian valorise a
  • Italian tiglinic tuberless rep
  • Fluidally dauk bivalvular mena
  • Drawability cataplane anemocho
  • Study desulfurization eulis ov
  • Typikon realizable homoeopath
  • Hyporight diseasing intertidal
  • Punish immorally featherlike p
  • Reidentify bedizenment anteroo
  • Perugino fluidally rainproof d
  • Pellucidity stupefy flowerage
<ul data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-list="10" data-mdb-dummy-text="30"></ul>


Create Dummy Table by adding the data-mdb-dummy-table to the table element.


By default Dummy Table will generate a table with 5 rows and 5 columns.

Monopsony barquisimeMonopsony barquisimeMonopsony barquisimeMonopsony barquisimeMonopsony barquisime
Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump
Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump
Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump
Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump
Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump Italian nomad schump
<table data-mdb-dummy-init></table>


Adjust the size of Dummy Table rows and columns using data-mdb-dummy-table="rows length value, columns length value". Modify the length of the default Dummy Text with data-mdb-dummy-text="text length value"

Kline cracKline cracKline cracKline cracKline crac
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok Cadman yok
<table data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-table="10,5" data-mdb-dummy-text="10"></table>


Create a Dummy Copy of any existing element with data-mdb-dummy-copy="existing element selector"

Original element

Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Dummy Copy element

Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

<div class="col-6 d-flex flex-column align-items-center">
  <p><strong>Original element</strong></p>
  <div class="card" id="original-element">
    <div class="card-body">
      <h5 class="card-title">Card title</h5>
      <p class="card-text">
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the
        card's content.
      <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-mdb-ripple-init>Button</button>
<div class="col-6 d-flex flex-column align-items-center">
  <p><strong>Dummy Copy element</strong></p>
  <div data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-copy="#original-element"></div>


Dummy Repeat will duplicate the element on which data-mdb-dummy-repeat="number of repetitions" was invoked.

  • Woman Portrait

    Jane Smith

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti molestiae inventore, quis omnis est, asperiores repellat dignissimos blanditiis placeat ad eveniet deserunt temporibus explicabo voluptatem tenetur? Consequatur totam maiores eum.

  • Woman Portrait

    Jane Smith

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti molestiae inventore, quis omnis est, asperiores repellat dignissimos blanditiis placeat ad eveniet deserunt temporibus explicabo voluptatem tenetur? Consequatur totam maiores eum.

  • Woman Portrait

    Jane Smith

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti molestiae inventore, quis omnis est, asperiores repellat dignissimos blanditiis placeat ad eveniet deserunt temporibus explicabo voluptatem tenetur? Consequatur totam maiores eum.

  • Woman Portrait

    Jane Smith

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti molestiae inventore, quis omnis est, asperiores repellat dignissimos blanditiis placeat ad eveniet deserunt temporibus explicabo voluptatem tenetur? Consequatur totam maiores eum.

<ul class="list-unstyled">
  <li data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-repeat="3">
    <div class="row mb-4">
      <div class="col-2">
          class="img-fluid shadow-1-strong rounded"
          alt="Woman Portrait">

      <div class="col-10">
        <p class="mb-2"><strong>Jane Smith</strong></p>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti molestiae inventore, quis omnis
          est, asperiores repellat dignissimos blanditiis placeat ad eveniet deserunt temporibus explicabo
          voluptatem tenetur? Consequatur totam maiores eum.

Any content inside Dummy Repeat can be created from Dummy elements.

  • Posttibial pret

    Outraved abbreviator dunstable unexported snippiness accuracy unillusioned ungossiping spouter rekin

  • Posttibial pret

    Outraved abbreviator dunstable unexported snippiness accuracy unillusioned ungossiping spouter rekin

  • Posttibial pret

    Outraved abbreviator dunstable unexported snippiness accuracy unillusioned ungossiping spouter rekin

  • Posttibial pret

    Outraved abbreviator dunstable unexported snippiness accuracy unillusioned ungossiping spouter rekin

<ul class="list-unstyled">
  <li data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-repeat="3">
    <div class="row mb-4">
      <div class="col-2">
        <img class="dummy img-fluid shadow-1-strong rounded" data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img="120">
      <div class="col-10">
          <p data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-text="15"></p>
        <p data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-text="100"></p>


Dummy Template can generate a single Dummy element or an entire template based on the tag elements passed as string into data-mdb-dummy-template.


By default Dummy Template will create a template of h1,p,table,h2,p,form,blockquote,img,ul tags.

Militancy mds thoreau carracci underyoke desulfurization chromic laryngeal milstein predeterminate s

Prejudgement philonis dosshouse unaccustomed mds agribusiness invigorated posttibial featherlike dis

Agribusiness araucanAgribusiness araucanAgribusiness araucanAgribusiness araucanAgribusiness araucan
Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi
Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi
Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi
Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi
Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi Intercarpellary resi

Semifrontier doom posttibial hermetical gasholder frankfurter adolescent nitrobenzene filbert newsbe

Pseudopolitical steatite premeditatingly coleridgian beefless unillusioned glandes swagman melchized

Innutritious contriv

Sweat overcertify reperused chromoplasmic unpolite

  • Thoreau rubric irrit
  • Rubric rubric outthr
  • Clearly camila filbe
  • Conveyor trimming pf
  • Diseasing professed
<div data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-template></div>


Combine Dummy Template with other Dummy elements and MDBootstrap components to create layouts in no time!

Snakeweed horologe swagman glandes sanctity disembowelment snakeweed milstein ruralised zogan termin

Dubonnet radioelement agana dimensionless carracci kilopound comedical monopsony peduncle folia scof

Holophyte postfebril

Anemochorous salvia hysteretically highness bloodw

  • Alogi mirkier carrac
  • Strutting reappearan
  • Bivalvular energisti
  • Accuracy bridelike s
  • Instilment discredit

Drawability cotype cadman exophthalmos instilment beefless cated parochial bivalvular melchizedek at

Repositories dysteleological predictated actinolitic agribusiness varietally coercively menace inescapableness nahant coercively schumpeter featherlike zogan synonymized unanswering study unaccustomed carracci reoperate unabatable drawability clark unpolitely holism teutonism dubonnet currieries xograph mdoc milstein altimetrical altimetrical trinitrophenylmethylnitramine pfitzner outthrow newsbeat spouter nahant drawability residency speciously ester precociousness legroom pretaste assidaean be

Precociousness strik

Punish marg reposito

Ramayana nahant fran
Precociousness strik

Punish marg reposito

Ramayana nahant fran
Precociousness strik

Punish marg reposito

Ramayana nahant fran

Repositories dysteleological predictated actinolitic agribusiness varietally coercively menace inescapableness nahant coercively schumpeter featherlike zogan synonymized unanswering study unaccustomed carracci reoperate unabatable drawability clark unpolitely holism teutonism dubonnet currieries xograph mdoc milstein altimetrical altimetrical trinitrophenylmethylnitramine pfitzner outthrow newsbeat spouter nahant drawability residency speciously ester precociousness legroom pretaste assidaean be

Burletta fluffier ge
<div class="container">
  <div data-mdb-dummy-init class="mb-4" data-mdb-dummy-template="h1,p"></div>

  <p data-mdb-dummy-init class="note note-light"></p>

  <img data-mdb-dummy-init class="mb-4" data-mdb-dummy-img="100%,500" data-mdb-dummy-img-text />

  <div data-mdb-dummy-init class="mb-4" data-mdb-dummy-template="blockquote,ul,h2"></div>

  <p data-mdb-dummy-init class="mb-4" id="dummy-text" data-mdb-dummy-text="500"></p>

  <div class="d-flex justify-content-between mb-4">
    <div data-mdb-dummy-init class="card col-3" data-mdb-dummy-repeat="2">
      <img class="card-img-top" data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img="100%" alt="..." />
      <div class="card-body">
        <h5 data-mdb-dummy-init class="card-title"></h5>
        <p data-mdb-dummy-init class="card-text"></p>
        <a href="#!" data-mdb-dummy-init class="btn btn-primary"></a>

  <p data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-copy="#dummy-text"></p>

  <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
    <img class="col-6" data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-img="100%" data-mdb-dummy-img-text data-mdb-dummy-img-text-length="10">
    <div class="col-6" data-mdb-dummy-init data-mdb-dummy-template="form"></div>


Dummy - API


import Dummy from 'mdb-dummy';


Via data attributes

Using the Datatable plugin doesn't require any additional JavaScript code - simply add data-mdb-dummy-init attribute to base element and use other data attributes to set all options.

<div data-mdb-dummy-init></div>

Via JavaScript

const dummyElement = document.getElementById('dummy-element');
new Dummy(dummyElement);

Via jQuery

Note: By default, MDB does not include jQuery and you have to add it to the project on your own.

$(document).ready(() => {


Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-mdb-, as in data-mdb-dummy-text="".

Name Type Default Description
dummyText Number | null 20 Creates Dummy Text of given length on element.
dummyImg String | null '150' Creates Dummy Img of given size.
dummyList Number | null 5 Creates Dummy List with given number of list elements
dummyTable String | null '5,5' Creates Dummy Table with given rows and cols number
dummyCopy String | null null Creates copy of element based on given selector
dummyRepeat Number | null 1 Creates given number of copies of element to which dummyRepeat was attached. Allows to repeat elements created by other Dummy methods.
dummyTemplate String | null 'h1,p,table,h2,p, form,blockquote,img,ul' Creates template from given string of HTML tag elements
dummyColor String | null null Defines color of Dummy Image background. Allows colours only in hex format
dummyTextColor String | null null Defines color of Dummy Text
dummyImgText String | null null Defines text of Dummy Text inside Dummy Image


Name Parameters Description Example
dispose Disposes a Dummy instance. instance.dispose()
init Initializes dummy for dynamically added element. instance.init()
getInstance element Static method which allows to get the dummy instance associated with a DOM element. Dummy.getInstance(dummyElement)
const dummyElement = document.getElementById('dummy-element');
const instance = Dummy.getInstance(dummyElement);