Angular Boilerplate – Angular CRUD with NgRx and Firebase
Open sourced Angular CRUD application starter with NgRx state management and Firebase backend – free for personal and commercial use.
Bootstrap 4

MDB Angular

Angular 7



Main features

NgRx state management
Organize and manage states & interactions in your Angular app with the help of the redux pattern.
Firebase real-time database
Store data in the most efficient cloud-hosted database with realtime synchronization.
CRUD operations
Create, read, update, delete and easily execute your database functions.
Admin panel
Manage user content from the app-interface level with the help of ready to use admin dashboards.
Cross-browser compatibility
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge - MDB loves all modern browsers.
Frequent updates
MDB becomes better every month. We love the project and enhance as much as possible.
Active community
Our society grows day by day. Visit our forum and check how it is to be a part of our family.
jQuery free
This version doesn't use jQuery at all. All Bootstrap script were rewritten in plain TypeScript.
Modules preloading
Solve the problem of dependencies slowing down your app and create faster & more pleasant user experience by preloading modules.
Technical support
We care about reliability. If you have any questions - do not hesitate to contact us.
Fully responsive
It doesn't matter whether your project will be displayed on desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. It looks great on each screen.
Lazy-loading feature modules
Make your app more efficient with delayed initialization achieved by lazy loading.