StartupFlow s.c. realizuje projekt Polskie Mosty Technologiczne współfinansowany z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego, w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, wsparcie promocji oraz internacjonalizacji innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw. PMT zostanie zrealizowany w latach 2018-2023.
Numer umowy: UG-PMT/1171/8N/2019-CHN
Celem projektu jest rozpoczęcie działalności eksportowej na rynku chińskim poprzez realizację:
- Lepszego dopasowanie produktu i środowiska do potrzeb rynku.
- Zwiększenia rozpoznawalności firmy wśród kontrahentów zagranicznych.
- Lepszego poznanie warunków panujących na wybranym rynku eksportowym.
Rezultatem projektu będzie podjęcie współpracy i podpisanie zagranicznych kontraktów handlowych oraz uzyskiwanie przychodów z działalności eksportowej.
Wartość projektu to 200 000 PLN z czego wkład Funduszy Europejskich to 100%.
Currently we are looking for the following services:
OUTDATED: Consultancy related to legal & technical verification of documents necessary for Chinese market entrance
We need to acquire the licenses necessary to conduct business & easily sell our products on the Chinese market with the use of Chinese platforms. In this service we are especially looking for:
Offers will be judged on the basis of merit, price, cooperation model flexibility and previous experiences in given matters. The provider cannot be associated with it StartupFlow s.c. personally or by capital.
Contact: f.kapusta [at] mdbootstrap.com
Offers will be considered from 01.05.2021 until this announcement is disabled.
Translation of the key project documentation
We need to translate documentation of the MDBootstrap project. In this service we are especially looking for:
Offers will be judged on the basis of merit, price, cooperation model flexibility and previous experiences in given matters. The provider cannot be associated with it StartupFlow s.c. personally or by capital.
Contact: f.kapusta [at] mdbootstrap.com
Offers will be considered from 01.05.2021 until this announcement is disabled.
OUTDATED: Consultancy related to product introduction to the Chinese Market
We managed to create a Chinese website for MDB UI Kit. It is already accessible for the Chinese users and visible in the Baidu search engine. Soon we will be able to process payments with Alipay via this website. We now need consultations on the actions we can take to promote this site to the Chinese development community.
- Press releases - reports and news that we can publish in the form of a blog, we need advice on the subject, as well as help in finding Chinese media to which we can send such reports.
- Pricing messages and strategy - the sales results that we have achieved so far in cooperation with one of the reselling partners are not satisfactory, we would like to focus on improving our marketing messages and pricing policy to better meet the needs of the Chinese consumer.
Offers will be judged on the basis of merit, price, cooperation model flexibility and previous experiences in given matters. The provider cannot be associated with it StartupFlow s.c. personally or by capital.
Contact: f.kapusta [at] mdbootstrap.com
Offers will be considered from 15.07.2021 until this announcement is disabled.