MDB 5 Vite Integration


This guide will walk you through steps necessary to include and bundle MDB package in your project using Vite.

If you need more extensive support and step-by-step guidance, check out our dedicated tutorial.

Vite starter

If you want to use the starter prepared by us, use MDB CLI to create a new project.

Note: If you don't have MDB CLI installed yet, you can do it with NPM: npm install -g mdb-cli. Now log in with your MDB account, type: mdb login. If you don't have account yet you can create one using mdb register command.

mdb frontend init mdb5-free-standard-vite
mdb frontend init mdb5-essential-standard-vite
mdb frontend init mdb5-advanced-standard-vite

Or download the repository.

MDB How to use Bootstrap 5 with Vite - free starter Starter 1-CLICK INIT VIA MDB GO

Note: How to use Bootstrap 5 with Vite - free starter starter on Github repo uses MDB Standard free installed via NPM. If you want to use a Pro version or a different installation method go to the import MDB section and check if it requires configuration changes. For example, changing the import paths of MDB files.

Basic features
Dev Server
npm install

If you decided to use a prepared starter, you can skip this tutorial. The starter is fully configured and ready to use.


Before you start make sure you have Node.js installed.

Create a project folder and setup npm

We’ll create the my-project folder and initialize npm with the -y argument to avoid it asking us all the interactive questions.

mkdir my-project && cd my-project
npm init -y
Install Vite

Unlike our Webpack guide, there’s only a single build tool dependency here. We use --save-dev to signal that this dependency is only for development use and not for production.

npm i --save-dev vite
Install additional dependency

In addition to Vite, we need another dependency (Sass) to properly to properly import and bundle MDB's CSS.

npm i --save-dev sass

Now that we have all the necessary dependencies installed, we can get to work creating the project files and importing MDB.

Project Structure

We’ve already created the my-project folder and initialized npm. Now we’ll also create our src folder to round out the project structure. Run the following from my-project, or manually create the folder and file structure shown below.

mkdir {src,src/js,src/scss,src/assets,src/assets/mdb}
touch src/index.html src/js/main.js src/scss/styles.scss vite.config.js

When you’re done, your complete project should look like this:

├── src/
│   ├── assets/
│   │   └── mdb/
│   ├── js/
│   │   └── main.js
│   ├── scss/
│   │   └── styles.scss
│   └── index.html
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── vite.config.js

At this point, everything is in the right place, but Vite won’t work because we haven’t filled in our vite.config.js yet.

Configure Vite

With dependencies installed and our project folder ready for us to start coding, we can now configure Vite and run our project locally.

Open vite.config.js in your editor

Since it’s blank, we’ll need to add some boilerplate config to it so we can start our server. This part of the config tells Vite were to look for our project’s JavaScript and how the development server should behave (pulling from the src folder with hot reload).

const path = require('path')

export default {
  root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
  server: {
    port: 8080,
    hot: true
Next we fill in src/index.html

This is the HTML page Vite will load in the browser to utilize the bundled CSS and JS we’ll add to it in later steps.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>MDB w/ Vite</title>
    <!-- Font Awesome -->
    <!-- Google Fonts -->
    <div class="container py-4 px-3 mx-auto">
      <h1>Hello, MDB and Vite!</h1>
      <button class="btn btn-primary" data-mdb-ripple-init>Primary button</button>
    <script type="module" src="./js/main.js"></script>

We’re including a little bit of styling here with the div class="container" and <button> so that we see when CSS from MDB package is loaded by Vite.

Now we need an npm script to run Vite

Open package.json and add the start script shown below (you should already have the test script). We’ll use this script to start our local Vite dev server.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "start": "vite",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  // ...
And finally, we can start Vite

From the my-project folder in your terminal, run that newly added npm script:

npm start

In the next section to this guide, we’ll import all of MDB's CSS and JavaScript.

Import MDB

Here you need to decide which method of import you want to choose

CDN import is available only for free version of MDB.

To install the MDB UI KIT in your project easily type the following command in the terminal. If you have PRO package remember to swap the access token before starting the installation.

Token generation

If you don't have access token yet please follow the tutorial.

Install MDB via NPM
npm i git+
npm i git+
npm i mdb-ui-kit
Importing JavaScript modules
import '../scss/styles.scss';

import { Ripple, initMDB } from 'mdb-ui-kit/js/'; // Import needed modules

window.Ripple = Ripple;

initMDB({ Ripple }) // Initialize imported modules to enable data-attribute init
import '../scss/styles.scss';
import * as mdb from 'mdb-ui-kit/js/mdb.umd.min.js';
window.mdb = mdb;
Importing CSS file
@import 'mdb-ui-kit/css/mdb.min.css';
@import 'mdb-ui-kit/css/mdb.min.css';
@import 'mdb-ui-kit/css/mdb.min.css';

Create a new project with our MDB starter. Run the command below and select the MDB5 Standard.

cd my-project/src/assets
mdb frontend init

Note: The project will be created in a folder with a different name than mdb. Rename the folder to mdb, or note that you must include a different folder name in the paths of the imported MDB files.

Add MDB via ZIP

Download the zip package, extract the downloaded package and copy included files into directory my-project/src/assets/mdb.

Additional dependency

Install @originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs to allow import of MDB's JavaScript files.

npm i --save-dev @originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs

Update content of vite.config.js. Your configuration file should match the snippet below. Remember that after change in config file you need to restart your server.

import { viteCommonjs } from '@originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs'

const path = require('path')

export default {
    plugins: [
  root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
  server: {
    port: 8080,
    hot: true
Compiled files

Add the following to src/scss/styles.scss to import all of MDB’s source Sass.

@import '../assets/mdb/css/mdb.min.css'; // MDB package CSS library

Add the following to src/js/main.js to load the CSS and import all of MDB's JS.

import '../scss/styles.scss';

import { Ripple, initMDB } from '../assets/mdb/js/'; // Import needed modules

window.Ripple = Ripple;

initMDB({ Ripple }) // Initialize imported modules to enable data-attribute init
// Import our custom SCSS
import '../scss/styles.scss';

// Import all of MDB's JS
import * as mdb from '../assets/mdb/js/mdb.umd.min.js';
window.mdb = mdb;
Source files

If you prefer to import source files from MDB package or use custom import there are some additional dependency requirements depending on used package free/pro.

npm i --save-dev @popperjs/core detect-autofill chart.js chartjs-plugin-datalabels deepmerge perfect-scrollbar
npm i --save-dev @popperjs/core detect-autofill

In this case src/js/main.js file will look like this:

import '../scss/styles.scss';

import { Ripple, initMDB } from '../assets/mdb/src/js/'; // Import needed modules

window.Ripple = Ripple;

initMDB({ Ripple }) // Initialize imported modules to enable data-attribute init
// Import our custom SCSS
import '../scss/styles.scss';

// Import all of MDB's JS
import * as mdb from '../assets/mdb/src/js/'; // lib
window.mdb = mdb;
// Import our custom SCSS
import '../scss/styles.scss';

// Import all of MDB's JS
import { Ripple, initMDB } from '../assets/mdb/src/js/'; // Import needed modules

window.Ripple = Ripple;

initMDB({ Ripple }) // Initialize imported modules to enable data-attribute init
// Import our custom SCSS
import '../scss/styles.scss';

// Import all of MDB's JS
import * as mdb from '../assets/mdb/src/js/'; // lib
window.mdb = mdb;

And content of src/scss/styles.scss should be:

@import '../assets/mdb/src/scss/';
@import '../assets/mdb/src/mdb/scss/';
@import '../assets/mdb/src/scss/';

Installation via CDN is one of the easiest methods of integrating MDB UI KIT with your project. Just copy the latest compiled JS script tag and CSS link tag from cdnjs to the application.

Don't forget to add also Font Awesome and Roboto font if you need. Here's an example code:

Into the <head> tag in your HTML file copy:

<!-- Font Awesome -->
<!-- Google Fonts -->
<!-- MDB -->

At the end of <body> tag in your HTML file copy:

<!-- MDB -->
Now you're done

With MDB's source Sass and JS fully loaded, your local development server should work and you should see MDB styles applied to button in the example.

Create build

The starter that we have prepared for you is fully configured and we have added the build command to it. Just run the npm run build command. You will find the bundled files in the dist folder.

If you have decided to configure the project yourself, you must add the build command in the package.json file.

"scripts": {
  "build": "vite build",

After that you can use npm run build command. You will find the bundled files in the folder you set as the output directory. By default, this is the dist folder.