Bootstrap Menu Kit PRO

A collection of templates for different Bootstrap 5 menu & submenu configurations.

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Examples of premium components Bootstrap 5 and Material Design 2.0

About Bootstrap Menu Kit

Many developers are using Bootstrap css framework. Unfortunately bootstrap does'not give ready to use solution for all sort of menus. You need to customize navbar or create your own css menu. Most of front-end developers face one question: "How to customize navigation menu?". And they search on google, Most of search results bring you to codepen or code snippet web sites. Sometimes you spend hours to find better solution.
So, what we did? We created many kind of bootstrap navbar variations. From normal menu to complex e-commerce navbars. Code snippets for any type of web menus. Clean and responsive code.

Free Tutorials and source code

Hover with CSS or JS
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Hover with fade-up/down animation
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Navbar with megamenu
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Large dropdown menu
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Dropdown with large sub-menu
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Multilevel dropdown submenu
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Navbar fixed on scroll
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Navbar fixed top
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Auto hide navbar on scroll down
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Scrollspy navbar
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Page darken, screen dimmer
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Offcanvas navbar on mobile
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Basic sidebar vertical menu
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Sidebar with submenu
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Sidebar menu with dropdown submenu
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Bootstrap Menu Kit

The templates are sold "as is" without new updates & support options.


  1. HTML/CSS/SASS files
  2. Template samples
  3. 100+ component blocks
  4. Icons (svg, png)
  5. Responsive