Get products up to 98% OFF in our Sale packages

- Trusted by 3,000,000+ developers and designers

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Single Use Essential Advanced Bundle
Licensing conditions
Easy to understand & fair. All tiers are covered by our standard EULA license terms, the only differences are highlighted below.
Commercial usage
Projects 1 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
UI content
You get everything already released, as well as everything that will be released in the next 12 months after purchase. You keep it FOREVER.
Premium components
Design blocks
Source code access
Premium Access features
You get 12 months of updates, support & other PA features included in first purchase. If you need them after that, you are able to renew or make a new purchase.
Unlimited Updates
Support Community Professional Priority Priority
Premium Access renewal 199/year 279/year 549/year 2,049/year
Git repository
npm installation
Code examples
Premium Snippets
Private Snippets
LAB access
Technologies included
This is an offering for Standard Bootstrap UI Kit. Check out the Angular, React and Vue offers here.
Bootstrap 4 UI Kit - legacy jquery logo jquery logo jquery logo jquery logo angular logo react logo vue logo
Bootstrap 5 UI Kit bootstrap logo bootstrap logo bootstrap logo bootstrap logo angular logo react logo vue logo
Team features
License members 1 1 1 1
Team management
License recycling
Enterprise eligibility

Discover Teams & Enterprise pricing

We've prepared a discounted offer for teams of developers. This offer enables rotating licenses & team management.

Team pricing

Need a custom SLA, flexible support channels or on-demand help with project integration? See enterprise offer.

Enterprise offer

2 developers

  1. This tier contains everything from the ADVANCED license for 2 developers

3 developers

  1. This tier contains everything from the ADVANCED license for 3 developers


Get a custom quote

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2 users 3 users Enterprise
Team features
License members 2 developers 3 developers Custom
Team management
License recycling
Enterprise eligibility
Technologies included
Bootstrap 4 UI Kit jquery logo jquery logo Custom
Bootstrap 5 UI Kit bootstrap logo bootstrap logo Custom
UI content
Premium components
Design blocks
Source code access
Premium Access features
Unlimited Updates
Support Priority Priority Priority
Premium Access renewal 949/year 1149/year Custom
Git repository
npm installation
Code examples
Premium Snippets
Private Snippets
LAB access
Licensing conditions
Commercial usage
Projects Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited


The largest collection of components on the market. Hundreds of sub-components and variations in each category

Premium Components for v5 189
Premium Components for v4 179 get all with discount
Animated navbar
Advanced modals
Charts advanced
Infinite scroll
Lazy loading
Smooth scroll
Loading management
Multi range slider
Button Group
List Group
Hover effects
+ components for Bootstrap v4 179

Design Blocks

Predefined, carefully designed sections that will significantly accelerate your development

436 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming
282 for Bootstrap v4 get all with discount
Admin Design Blocks 129
51 sections for Bootstrap 5
Industry-specific Design Blocks 269
110 Sections sections for Bootstrap 5
Portfolio Design Blocks 69
24 sections for Bootstrap 5
Blog Design Blocks 119
45 sections for Bootstrap 5
eCommerce Design Blocks 229
89 sections for Bootstrap 5
Landing page Design Blocks 269
117 sections for Bootstrap 5
Admin Design Blocks 69
32 sections for Bootstrap 4
Portfolio Design Blocks 59
27 sections for Bootstrap 4
Blog Design Blocks 49
21 sections for Bootstrap 4
eCommerce Design Blocks 149
72 sections for Bootstrap 4
Landing page Design Blocks 249
130 sections for Bootstrap 4


Tens of stunning, responsive templates in popular categories like Admin Dashboards, eCommerce, Blog, Landing Pages, Portfolios and others

75 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming
91 for Bootstrap v4 get all with discount
Admin Dashboards 279
18 Templates for Bootstrap 5
Landing pages 429
28 Templates for Bootstrap 5
eCommerce Templates 159
10 Templates for Bootstrap 5
Portfolio Templates 189
12 Templates for Bootstrap 5
Blog Templates 109
7 Templates for Bootstrap 5
Admin Dashboards 249
27 Templates for Bootstrap 4
SaaS pages 219
24 Templates for Bootstrap 4
Blog Templates 129
14 Templates for Bootstrap 4
Portfolio Templates 129
14 Templates for Bootstrap 4
eCommerce Templates 109
12 Templates for Bootstrap 4


An impressive collection of plugins that will cover every need, even in the most advanced projects

25 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming
22 for Bootstrap v4 get all with discount
Calendar 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
eCommerce gallery 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
File upload 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Filters 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Mention 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Multi item carousel 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Transfer 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Vector maps 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Table editor 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Cookies management 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Storage management 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Tree view 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Dummy 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Countdown 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Data parser 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Input mask 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Color picker 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Parallax 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Captcha 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Scroll Status 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
TreeTable 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Organization chart 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
WYSIWYG editor 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Onboarding 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Drag and drop 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
3D carousel 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
WYSIWYG editor 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Table editor 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Vector Map 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Filter 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Color picker 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Full page Calendar 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Sortable 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Draggable 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Screen scroller 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Advanced Cards 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Chat 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Drag & drop file upload 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Blog advanced components 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Timeline 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Flipping cards 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Card Animation 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Streak 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Gallery 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
eCommerce advanced components 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Multi-range slider 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Simple charts 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4


Complex concept templates and experiments created by the community of MDB.

19 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming get all with discount
GitHub homepage 39
Medium homepage 39
Linkedin homepage 39
Tripadvisor homepage 39
Twitter newsfeed 39
Wikipedia article page 39
Spotify player 39
IMDb homepage 39
Netflix homepage 39
Airbnb 39
Gmail 39
Facebook messenger 39
Facebook profile page 39
Instagram newsfeed 39
YouTube homepage 39
Trello board 39
Alibaba homepage 39
Facebook newsfeed 39
Amazon homepage 39

Premium Access

You get 12 months of updates, support & other features included in first purchase. If you need them after that, you are able to renew or make a new purchase.

get all with discount

Professional support

Git repository access

Unlimited updates

Premium Design Generators

Private Snippets

Premium Snippets

Frequently asked questions

A single project is defined as a single domain or a single application.

With Single Use license, you can use MDB PRO in 1 project only.

For tiers with "Unlimited projects", you can use MDB PRO in as many projects as you want.

You can have multiple subdomains.

You can upgrade from one tier to the next one whenever you want simply by paying the cost difference.

If you already have our PRO core UI Kit (for Bootstrap v4 or v5), every single product compatible with it can also be purchased separately.

Reach out to if you need to do that or learn more about extending the package on our licensing page.

Enterprise tier is meant for customers that want to customize their licensing.

If you standard EULA license is not suitable for you, feel free to reach out to us & propose your customizations.

Premium Support is a guarantee that your tickets will be answered by a professional MDB developer.

With Priority Support your tickets will be solved first, prioritized above other tickets from a given day.

Tickets are usually answered within 24 business hours

Our support team works Monday-Friday, 8am till 16pm Central European Standard Time.

Priority Support is included in the Advanced & Bundle tiers, as well as in all of the team packages.

This FAQ is dedicated to questions regarding the licensing.

Check out our General FAQ and if you don't find your answers there please open a ticket on our support forum.

Didn't find your answer in the FAQ? Contact our sales team.

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