Upgrade now & get discount equal to 100% value of your current plan

- Trusted by 3,000,000+ developers and designers

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Request a custom license

If you purchase any product directly trough our pricing, our standard EULA will apply.

You can also get a custom license with adjusted terms! The adjustments may include:

  • Extended support scope (i.e. email support, screen sharing, onboarding sessions, on-call devs)
  • Signing an SLA (Service-level agreement)
  • Redistribution (i.e. embedding our tools in your own UI Kit or website builder)
  • Different payment terms (i.e. Net30, Net60, lifetime premium access)
  • or you can propose other custom licensing arrangements

Organizations with >250 employees OR >$10M annual revenue, are required to get an Enterprise License Agreement (ELA). ELA allows unlimited use of our tools throughout the organization.


Get a custom quote

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The largest collection of components on the market. Hundreds of sub-components and variations in each category

Premium Components for v5 189
Premium Components for v4 179 get all with discount
Animated navbar
Advanced modals
Charts advanced
Infinite scroll
Loading management
Button Group
List Group
Hover effects

Design Blocks

Predefined, carefully designed sections that will significantly accelerate your development

50 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming get all with discount
Charts Design Blocks 19
6 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Stats Design Blocks 19
4 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Sidebar Layouts 19
7 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Maps 19
5 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Complex Layouts 19
7 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Forms 29
11 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Navigation 29
8 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Tables 9
2 sections for Vue + Bootstrap 5


Dozens of stunning templates designed by professionals. Beautifully crafted with well-though out layouts and features.

15 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming
25 for Bootstrap v4 get all with discount
SEO Dashboard 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
eCommerce Dashboards 39
2 templates for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Ads Dashboard 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Order Dashboard 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Traffic Dashboard 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Chat app 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Mailbox app 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Invoice page 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
User profile 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
User management 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Login / register page 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Forgot password page 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Change password page 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
404 page 19
Template for Vue + Bootstrap 5
Dashboards 59
6 templates for Vue + Bootstrap 4
Admin Pages 99
11 templates for Vue + Bootstrap 4
Profile Management 29
3 templates for Vue + Bootstrap 4
Maps 29
3 templates for Vue + Bootstrap 4
Tables 19
2 templates for Vue + Bootstrap 4


An impressive collection of plugins that will cover every need, even in the most advanced projects

25 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming
15 for Bootstrap v4 get all with discount
Calendar 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
eCommerce gallery 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
File upload 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Filters 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Mention 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Multi item carousel 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Transfer 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Vector maps 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Table editor 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Cookies management 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Storage management 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Tree view 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Dummy 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Countdown 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Data parser 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Input mask 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Color picker 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Parallax 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Captcha 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Scroll Status 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
TreeTable 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Organization chart 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
WYSIWYG editor 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Onboarding 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
Drag and drop 129
Plugin for Bootstrap 5
WYSIWYG editor 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Table editor 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Vector Map 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Filter 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Color picker 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Full page Calendar 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Sortable 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Draggable 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Chat 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Drag & drop file upload 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Blog advanced components 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Timeline 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Card Animation 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
Streak 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4
eCommerce advanced components 99
Plugin for Bootstrap 4


Complex concept templates and experiments created by the community of MDB.

19 for Bootstrap v5 + more coming get all with discount
GitHub homepage 39
Medium homepage 39
Linkedin homepage 39
Tripadvisor homepage 39
Twitter newsfeed 39
Wikipedia article page 39
Spotify player 39
IMDb homepage 39
Netflix homepage 39
Airbnb 39
Gmail 39
Facebook messenger 39
Facebook profile page 39
Instagram newsfeed 39
YouTube homepage 39
Trello board 39
Alibaba homepage 39
Facebook newsfeed 39
Amazon homepage 39

Premium Access

You get 12 months of updates, support & other features included in first purchase. If you need them after that, you can renew or make a new purchase.

get all with discount

Lifetime usage

Professional support

Git repository access

Unlimited updates

Private Snippets

Premium Snippets

Frequently asked questions

No, you don't have to renew and you can keep using what you have forever.

A yearly payment covers only the Premium Access features.

The most important one of them is "Updates" because we are regularly adding a tone of cool stuff to the package, but instead of releasing new products every month we chose to make all of the new components, plugins & features compatible with each other and pour all of the energy into a single high-quality product.

Remember that 12 months of Premium Access is included in your first purchase but if you still need Updates, Premium Support or any other features you can renew your subscription and you will keep getting them.

For some projects the initial 12 months is enough. Developers of bigger & more complex projects usually appreciate the option to keep extending their technical support.

Yes, you can keep using them forever.

Subscription covers only the Premium Access features.

Since you won't receive updates you will have to use the components in the latest version that was available in your account, f.e. if you cancel your subscription in May and we release a new DatePicker style in June, you won't have access to the latest style but the previous one will keep working with your package.

Yes, you can keep using them forever.

Subscription covers only the Premium Access features.

Since you won't have access to premium snippets platform where they are hosted you will no longer be able to download more content but the ones that you already downloaded will stay with you forever.

Yes, you can keep using them forever.

Subscription covers only the Premium Access features.

Since you won't receive updates you will have to use the components in the latest version that was available in your account, f.e. if you cancel your subscription in May and we release a new WYSIWYG option in June, you won't have access to the latest option but the previous one will keep working with your package.

A single project is defined as a single domain or a single application.

With Single Use license, you can use MDB PRO in 1 project only.

For tiers with "Unlimited projects", you can use MDB PRO in as many projects as you want.

You can have multiple subdomains.

You can upgrade from one tier to the next one whenever you want simply by paying the cost difference.

If you already have our PRO core UI Kit (for Bootstrap v4 or v5), every single product compatible with it can also be purchased separately.

Reach out to upgrades@mdbootstrap.com if you need to do that or learn more about extending the package on our licensing page.

Enterprise tier is meant for customers that want to customize their licensing.

If you standard EULA license is not suitable for you, feel free to reach out to us & propose your customizations.

Premium Support is a guarantee that your tickets will be answered by a professional MDB developer.

With Priority Support your tickets will be solved first, prioritized above other tickets from a given day.

Tickets are usually answered within 24 business hours

Our support team works Monday-Friday, 8am till 16pm Central European Standard Time.

Priority Support is included in the Advanced & Bundle tiers, as well as in all of the team packages.

This FAQ is dedicated to questions regarding the licensing.

Check out our General FAQ and if you don't find your answers there please open a ticket on our support forum.

Didn't find your answer in the FAQ? Contact our sales team.

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